RA focused on continuing to race

1 April 2020

Racing Australia has been working closely with the Principal Racing Authorities to ensure the continuation of Thoroughbred Racing across Australia.

The governing body today acknowledged its responsibility to provide leadership during these significantly stressful and uncertain times and will do so through analysis, advocacy and the continuity of services.

RA also announced it will undertake an analysis to provide information to all levels of government that quantify the severe impacts COVID-19 will have on the industry in the coming months.

“We understand that the federal and state governments have to act in the national interest and protect the welfare of its citizens and we totally support the actions that governments are undertaking,” Racing Australia Chairman Greg Nichols said.

“We also make the commitment that our industry will do everything in its power to comply with all the changes that are being enforced by both the federal, state and territory governments.”

Racing in Australia provides an economic contribution of around $9.5 billion per year, with 51% of that achieved in regional Australia.

The industry is made up of nearly 160,000 participants, with 74,000 people directly or indirectly employed on a full-time basis.  

RA also stated that it will continue to adhere to conformance of measures authorised by the National Cabinet and be pro-active in implementing additional stringent measures that augment the National Cabinet’s initiatives.

The industry’s commitment to maintaining global-leading standards of equine welfare and the health and safety of all participants is a top priority and will not be diminished in the uncertain times ahead.