Transportation of thoroughbred horses

10 April 2020

Racing Queensland has advised it will allow conditional horse movement across thoroughbred zones for the purposes of racing from next week.

During the first two weeks of designated racing regions, horse transferals were not permissible but RQ agreed to conduct a review of this decision after 14 days of implementation.

Having undertaken industry consultation, horses will now be permitted to travel to licensed racing/training venues across zones from Tuesday, April 14.

The existing restrictions limiting jockeys, trainers and other licensed personnel to their designated racing zones will remain in place and they will NOT be permitted to travel across zones with horses.

Once again, this decision will be reviewed in a further 14 days.

Click here to download the equine transport application form.

Horses located in Queensland

Horses are permitted to travel with an ‘Approved Float Company’. An ‘Approved Float Company’ is any float company which is registered as a transport company, and which has sought and been granted approval by Racing Queensland to transport racing thoroughbred horses within Queensland.

The following conditions also apply:

  • The horse’s trainer must make arrangements (notified and approved by the QRIC stewards) through deployment of approved staff or a designated caretaker trainer within the receiving zone;
  • Trainers will be required to notify the QRIC stewards of arrangements for travel and care of horses prior to declaration of riders’ deadline on acceptance day;
  • Horses moving to another zone for the purposes of racing must have completed their journey no later than 12pm on the day prior to race day;
  • Transport drivers (freight drivers) are to make prior arrangements with drop-off points and are not to access licensed premises when delivering horses. A designated receiving stable staff member must be on hand to take delivery of the horse being transported;
  • Prior to and upon completion of the journey the float driver must ensure the vehicle is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to minimize any risk of COVID-19 being spread on future journeys; and
  • Upon arrival, the designated staff member must ensure that any gear attached to the horse is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to minimize any risk of COVID-19 being spread within the stabling environment.

Transport other than by Approved Float Company

Horses will be permitted to travel between racing/training zones within Queensland, however, if the transport is other than with an Approved Float Company, the person transporting that horse (and any persons who come into close contact with that person) will not be permitted access to any licensed racing or training facility in Queensland for a period of at least 14 days.

The following conditions also apply:

  • Transport drivers are to make prior arrangements with drop-off points and are not to access licensed premises when delivering horses. A designated receiving stable staff member must be on hand to take delivery of the horse being transported;
  • Prior to and upon completion of the journey the Float driver must ensure the vehicle is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to minimize any risk of COVID-19 being spread on future journeys; and
  • Upon arrival, the designated staff member must ensure that any gear attached to the horse is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to minimize any risk of COVID-19 being spread within the stabling environment.

Horses located inter-state

Inter-state transport of horses by Approved Float Companies

Where Government regulations allow, horses will be permitted to travel to Queensland, however, any licensed or registered personnel, or essential personnel (being those currently approved for access to race meetings and training centres) are not permitted to travel with such horses, other than employees of the Approved Float Company.

The following conditions also apply:

  • An ‘Approved Float Company’ is any float company which is registered as a transport company, and which has sought and been granted approval by Racing Queensland to transport racing thoroughbred horses to Queensland from inter-state;
  • The horse’s trainer must make arrangements (notified and approved by the QRIC stewards) through deployment of approved staff or a designated caretaker trainer within the receiving zone;
  • Trainers will be required to notify the QRIC stewards of arrangements for travel and care of horses prior to departure;
  • Transport drivers (freight drivers) are to make prior arrangements with drop-off points and are not to access licensed premises when delivering horses (unless otherwise approved by QRIC stewards). They must remain within their cabin and a designated Queensland staff member of the horse’s trainer/ or caretaker trainer must be on hand to take delivery of the horse being transported;
  • Horses transported from inter-state for the purposes of racing must have completed their journey prior to acceptance time of their nominated race;
  • Upon arrival, the designated staff member must ensure that any gear attached to the horse is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to minimize any risk of COVID-19 being spread within the stable environment;
  • Prior to and upon completion of the journey, the float company must ensure the vehicle is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to minimize any risk of COVID-19 being spread on future journeys; and
  • Any transport driver undertaking inter-state travel must not enter licensed premises or act in another industry capacity (eg: strapper or stablehand) whereby they enter a racing or training complex in that capacity for a period of 14 days from the date they last entered Queensland from inter-state.

Inter-state transport other than by Approved Float Company

Where Government regulations allow, horses will be permitted to travel from inter-state to Queensland, however, if the transport is other than with an Approved Float Company, the person transporting that horse (and any persons who come into close contact with that person) will not be permitted access to any licensed racing or training facility in Queensland for a period of at least 14 days.

The following conditions also apply:

  • Transport drivers are to make prior arrangements with drop-off points and are not to access licensed premises when delivering horses (unless otherwise approved by QRIC stewards). They must remain within their cabin and a designated Queensland staff member of the horse’s trainer/ or caretaker trainer must be on hand to take delivery of the horse being transported;
  • Upon arrival the designated staff member must ensure that any gear attached to the horse is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to minimize any risk of COVID-19 being spread within the stable environment;
  • Prior to and upon completion of the journey, the float driver must ensure the vehicle is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to minimize any risk of COVID-19 being spread on future journeys; and
  • Any transport driver undertaking inter-state travel must not enter licensed premises or act in another industry capacity (eg: strapper or stablehand) whereby they enter a racing or training complex in that capacity for a period of 14 days from the date they last entered Queensland from inter-state.