Club grant opportunities

16 September 2020

There is currently a significant number of grant opportunities available to clubs.

RQ has compiled a listing of some of the current grant opportunities below.

All the following grants have previously been awarded to race clubs throughout Queensland, as such RQ encourages you to consider if any of the following grants represent an opportunity for your club:

Grant name

Value of grant



Major eligibility requirements

Eligible items to be funded by grant

Current round application closing dates

Related links

2020 Supplementary Volunteer Grants

$1,000 to $5,000

To strengthen community functioning by increasing participation in volunteering.


Items will only be eligible for funding if they directly support or benefit your club’s volunteers.


At least 40% of your club’s workforce must be volunteers.

Items and activities that support and benefit the organisation’s volunteers, such as: 

  • Small equipment items (ie Safety Equipment);
  • Transport costs of volunteers with a disability;
  • Fuel costs incurred by volunteers;
  • Training for volunteers;
  • Background screening checks of volunteers;
  • Post COVID-19 re-engagement activities for volunteers and;
  • Adapting practices to support volunteers’ safety in relation to COVID-19.

20 September 2020



Application Link

Tourism & Events Queensland’s (TEQ) Destination Events Program

$10,000 to $25,000


(with further opportunities for greater event Funding up to $100,000)


To support major regional tourism.

All clubs may apply. Especially if you consider that your major race meeting and complimentary events qualify as a regional tourism event:

  • The event must take place wholly within Queensland between May 2021 - May 2022.
  • The applicant must be able to demonstrate the historical size of the event in terms of:
    • Audience;
    • Spectator numbers;
    • Participant numbers, and/or;
    • Media profile
  • The applicant must be able to demonstrate the event's capacity to grow against the baseline.

Funding up to 25% of your event expenditure budget (up to a set funding limit) in the following areas:

  • Marketing costs;
  • Strategic plan development;
  • Engagement of short-term specialised personnel or;
  • Hire of temporary infrastructure


7 October 2020



Application Link


Racing Queensland’s Country Racing Program -Round 3


Improving the racing infrastructure of Queensland Thoroughbred Country Racing Clubs.

Funding is limited to Non-TAB Thoroughbred Clubs.

Eligible projects include repairs and maintenance of infrastructure and asset replenishment or replacement.


13 October 2020



Application Link


Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal’s (FRRR) Tackling Tough Times Together

$20,000 to $150,000

A drought support grant for community-led initiatives that benefit local communities.

Limited to Not-for-profit community-based organisations from communities across rural, regional and remote Australia.


Applications must demonstrate a focus on an activity area from FRRR's Project Activity Evaluation Tree.

We recommend Clubs consider limit their applications to No.2 & No.6 funding streams:

2). Developing organisational resilience and capacity; and

6). Building Economic Strength & Sustainability.


22 October 2020 - for the first 2 tiers of funding ($20k and $60k)



Application Link


Gambling Community Benefit Fund - Round 107

$500 to $35,000

Support Community Groups - Incl. Race Clubs

All Clubs may apply.


There is a 1-round exclusion period, which means your organisation cannot submit a new application for the next funding round until you have heard your previous application was unsuccessful or you have acquitted all expenditure on your successful project.


Clubs that have received more than $15,000 from the GCBF over the past 2 years receive the lowest priority for grant allocation.

The Gambling Community Benefit Committee have implemented funding priorities in the following order, where 1 has the highest priority:

  1. Items/facilities directly affected, damaged or destroyed by a declared natural disaster in the last 2 years;
  2. Equipment or facility improvements;
  3. Buses, cars, caravans, boats, tractors, trailers, large mowers, motorbikes and similar items;
  4. Community events, training, workshops, festivals, publications and website development;
  5. Organisations that have received more than $15,000 from the GCBF over the past 2 years.

31 October 2020



Application Link


One recently successful club is the Chinchilla Race Club, who will benefit from a $60,000 grant for a public shade facility via the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal’s Tackling Tough Times Together Grant.

There are numerous grant opportunities arising all the time and to stay abreast of these developments, RQ encourages clubs to regularly liaise with the following:

As always, if you would like any assistance or support with preparing your grant application, please phone Racing Queensland’s Partnerships and Development team, Phil Buckle (3869 9780) or Brett Hawkey (3869 9418), or via email.