Kooringa Lucy to tackle distance test at Albion Park

18 August 2021

Race-6-Kooringa-Lucy-DS4-0878-jpg.JPGBy Jordan Gerrans

The connections and trainer of Kooringa Lucy have long thought the star greyhound could stretch out to 710 metres and they are set to finally find out this week if she can. 

The former Northern Rivers-based bitch is yet to go past the 600-metre trip in her 59 career starts to date – which has yielded 27 victories and over $150,000 in prize money.

She will extend the extra 110 metres on Thursday evening at Albion Park for the first time, an idea trainer Selena Zammit had considered for some time.

Speaking on Wednesday afternoon from her Willow Vale kennel, Zammit is confident Kooringa Lucy will appreciate the extra ground, despite not yet seeing it happen.

The white bitch has won on five occasions from eight starts over the 600 metres at the Brisbane Greyhound Racing Club in a best time of 34.66 seconds on one occasion.

“It has been on the cards for a while but we have not had the chance to do it until Thursday night,” Zammit said.

“We feel she can run the 700 metres but we are not 100 per cent certain just yet, so we will all find out if she can on Thursday night.

“She is fit enough to go to 700 metres now and instead of putting her in a trial at that distance, we just figured to put her in a race instead.

“Everything indicates she will get the 700 metres.”

The Zammit kennel has not always had Kooringa Lucy in their team, she was previously trained by Dobies Bight’s Mitchell Northfield, while she is still owned by Cheryl Northfield.



Albion Park | Brisbane Greyhound Racing Club | 7:25 pm


Tony's Rescue
T: Ned Snow
Kooringa Lucy
T: Selena Zammit
Brockie Magic
T: Raymond Burman

Race-9-Kooringa-Lucy-D4S-6521-jpg.JPGThe dog was sent north with uncertainty around borders for the NSW-based Northfields.

The team behind Kooringa Lucy considered going up in distance seven days prior in the Queensland Distance Championship Final last Thursday evening at Albion Park, but decided to avoid star stayer Maggie Moo Moo.

Earlier in her career, Kooringa Lucy was placed at Group 2 level over 520 metres and has been around the mark in several other Group races since.

Zammit has opted not to trial the bitch over the extra distance leading into Thursday night and has given her an extra run in training this week to ensure she is fit enough for the journey.

The potential ability to run the longer trip may open up doors into the future for the daughter of Fernando Bale and Mitcharlie Mia.

“There is always staying races around the country that you want to go for,” Zammit said.

“She always gives the impression that she will be a strong stayer but until we put her over that distance for the first time, we will not know.

“If she can run it, then that is great, but if she cannot, we will just go back to the 600 or 500 metres then.”

The Zammit kennel also have See Them Try and Sequana in on Thursday night at Albion Park, with the pair heading towards the eighth event on the program for Publicans Cup series heats night.

Kooringa Lucy