Roma TC - Saturday, October 2 - RESCHEDULED to Cunnamulla

8 September 2021

The non-Tab race meeting at Roma TC on Saturday, October 2, 2021 has been RESCHEDULED  to be conducted by the Cunnamulla & DDRC.

This will see racing at Cunnamulla on two consecutive Saturdays, with the annual Cunnamulla Cup meeting to be held on the following Saturday,  October 9, 2021.

Due to the rescheduling to Cunnamulla, there has been minor amendments to the race program.  The rescheduled race program is:


Open Hcp  (prev BM 65 Hcp)                     1200m                              $8,500

Benchmark 60 Hcp                                      1000m                              $8,500

Benchmark 55 Hcp                                      1400m  (prev 1640m)     $8,500

Class B Hcp                                                   1200m                              $8,500

Maiden Plate (3yo & up sw)                      1200m                              $8,500 plus QTIS bonuses

Nominations for the race meeting close at 11.00am on Tuesday, September 28, 2021.