Ipswich Greyhound racing update
Racing Queensland advises that the Ipswich Greyhound Racing Club will conduct trial sessions on Friday, March 4; Saturday, March 5; and Monday, March 7.
Trials will commence at 7am on each day. Trainers will be permitted a maximum of five trials per day.
Please be advised that the kennel block will not be available for use at these trial sessions.
IGRC staff will provide trainers with onsite parking direction.
Based on trainers reacting to previously publicised information, IGRC advises that the trial session on Friday, March 4 is already booked out.
The Club is taking bookings for the trial sessions on Saturday, March 5 and Monday, March 7.
Bookings are essential by phoning the Club on (07) 3202 2977.
Furthermore, RQ advises that the nominations for the Ipswich meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 have been extended until Monday, March 7, 2022 at 9.30am.
An updated race program and grading schedule for next week will be provided tomorrow.
RQ is committed to providing trialing and racing opportunities for participants following the recent extreme weather event.
Participants are advised to properly assess their own personal safety, including local weather warnings, in respect of attending the Ipswich Showgrounds for trialing or racing.
The Ipswich Showgrounds remain an Evacuation Centre under the direction of the Ipswich City Council and the use of the facility for racing purposes may be withdrawn at short notice in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
For more information please contact Racing Queensland on (07) 3869 9407.