Bundaberg Battle of the Bush qualifier rescheduled

22 April 2024

The Bundaberg Battle of the Bush Qualifier will now be held on Saturday May 4.

This is a replacement date for the club following the abandonment (through weather) of the non-Tab meeting on Saturday April 20.  This meeting will also have a heat of the Burnett to the Beach Series which was also on the abandoned program last Saturday.

The replacement program for the meeting is:


2024 Battle of the Bush Bundaberg Qualifier

Open Hcp                                                   1212m               $12,500 + $1,000 trophies

Burnett to the Beach Series Heat

Rating Band 0-50 Hcp                             1212m               $11,000

Benchmark 60 Hcp                                  1380m               $10,000

Class B Hcp                                                 1090m               $10,000

QTIS Maiden Plt (2yo & up sw)             1090m               $10,000 plus QTIS

Nominations for this meeting close at 11.00am Tuesday 30/4/24