Surat sponsorship coordinator keeping race club on track

23 January 2025

By Andrew Smith

She is described as someone who “often sneaks around trying to assist,” and that selfless dedication is what sums up Christine Packer.

Christine is the latest Cheer A Volunteer winner, rewarded for her tireless efforts in helping keep the Surat Diggers’ Race Club ticking along.

The 59-year-old, as well as husband Leon, have been involved with the club since moving back to the small town in the Maranoa Region in 1998.

“I just started off doing some hours in the canteen for the lady who was doing that and helping with the charity luncheon and what not and ended up on the committee,” Christine said.

“We helped out for a long time first then became Treasurer/Secretary and then in the last few years I’ve taken care of the sponsorship side of things.

“I’m still actively involved with working bees and on the raceday and chase up sponsorship and organize merchandise and stuff like that.

Christine Packer (fourth from right) with her family at the Surat races.

“My husband is my sidekick, he comes along and helps as well and is always keen.

“Surat is not a big place and we don’t have too many big community events happening anymore and I think it’s important to keep that one going I feel.

“It was very nice actually, you don’t do these things for that purpose but it is nice that somebody went to the effort to nominate me.”

Founded in 1848, the club hosts one race day a year, often attracting around 600 patrons to the track.

The venue is also used year-round by what the locals call the “Warroo User Group” in the local gun club, camp draft and pony club.

Christine is in charge of applying for grants for the club, helping to secure funding via the Gambling Community Benefit Fund and Maranoa Regional Council Grant.

The club used the money to replace the PA system around the venue, as well as replacing part of the fence along the racetrack and installing a new canteen.

The finishing post at the 2024 Surat raceday.

Surat Diggers Race Club Treasurer Karen Thom said Christine has been the backbone of the small country club.

“Christine has been a financial member, committee member, organizer, major sponsor and is now our volunteering sponsorship co-ordinator,” Karen said.

“Chris works in a thorough and professional manner completing grant applications to help our little club have a successful once-a-year race meeting.

“She helps at all working bees, attends all meetings and assists with the committee members.

“She was successful in achieving three grants for our 2024 race meet, a huge effort for our small community and committee.

“She will often sneak around trying to assist, and her dedication to our club does not go unnoticed.”

Christine laughs when she hears that description of her efforts.

But in her typical humble fashion, she does not want a fuss made out of her contribution to the club.

“It probably just means going and getting stuff done that needs to get done without making a deal of it,” Christine said.

“Particularly when you’ve got new committee members coming in and they’re still learning what needs to happen and how things go.

“People have full-time jobs and sometimes it’s just easier to go and oil the breezeway between the jockey’s rooms.”

A crowd of around 600 patrons attended the 2024 raceday.

While Christine admits it is harder to find people to volunteer their time these days, she is upbeat about the future of the small club.

“At the moment we’ve got a fairly young committee and they’re’ pretty exciting - it’s good to see them jump in and make changes or just freshen it up and get fresh ideas in there instead of doing the same old same old,” Christine said.

“I’ve seen plenty of people come and go over the years but generally everyone is there for the right reason and just wanting to make it a good day.

“It’s very critical not just in towns like ours but it’s anywhere - volunteers are just essential but also becoming a bit harder to come by.

“When I first started working for the club most of the jobs were performed by people volunteering their time…we found to get people to do that we had to start paying the people or making a deal.

“That’s been a shift but it’s just the way things are.”

Clubs are encouraged to nominate their valued volunteers for the award, which is sponsored by Neil Mansell Transport & Mittys.

State-wide, there are more than 8,300 volunteers who make an invaluable contribution to the industry, providing their time and expertise to sustain Queensland’s three codes of racing.

Click here for more information on Cheer A Volunteer and to nominate.
