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  5. April 2018
  6. Bundaberg RQ Maiden 1000 Final

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Bundaberg RQ Maiden 1000 Final

Round up the litter and enjoy a great night out at the Bundaberg Greyhound Racing Club.
Facilities include bar, bistro, TAB and a local bookmaker on site. They are a family friendly Club that caters for groups of any size.

For more information contact the club at bundy_greyhounds@bigpond.com

Facebook: facebook.com/bundygreyhounds
The information set out on this event page is correct as at the date of publication and may be subject to further change by Racing Queensland or the event promoter (if Racing Queensland is not the event promoter) in their absolute discretion. Please visit http://www.racingqueensland.com.au/ for the current race calendars. Please check race schedules for final times two days before, race numbers are not final.