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  5. January 2019
  6. Magic Millions Race Day

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Magic Millions Race Day

The 2019 The Star Gold Coast Magic Millions Raceday is home to the world renowned $10 million Raceday, including the $2 million The Star Gold Coast Magic Millions 2YO Classic and the $2 million Gold Coast Magic Millions 3YO Guineas exclusively for Magic Millions graduates. Featuring nine fast-paced races at the picturesque Gold Coast Turf Club, the Magic Millions Racing Women’s $500,000 Bonus and Harrolds Fashions on the Field.

Various hospitality packages are available, visit the Club website for more information and to book www.gctc.com.au/raceday-events


Website www.gctc.com.au 

Facebook – www.facebook.com/GoldCoastTurfClub

Instagram – gcturfclub

Twitter - GCTurfClub

Phone – (07) 5538 1599

Email – info@gctc.com.au 

The information set out on this event page is correct as at the date of publication and may be subject to further change by Racing Queensland or the event promoter (if Racing Queensland is not the event promoter) in their absolute discretion. Please visit http://www.racingqueensland.com.au/ for the current race calendars. Please check race schedules for final times two days before, race numbers are not final.
