King of the Mountain slot to benefit Queensland Off-The-Track
Racing Queensland’s Off-The-Track program is the first beneficiary of the auction proceeds from the inaugural Mort & Co King Of The Mountain race event.
A total of $104,000 was raised through the auction of two slots for the inaugural event, to be held at Clifford Park Racecourse on New Year’s Eve.
This means almost $37,000 will be donated to three chosen recipients – Queensland Jockeys Association, The Lighthouse (Toowoomba children’s literacy charity program) and the Queensland Off-The-Track program.
Toowoomba Turf Club Chairman Kent Woodford said the Mort & Co King Of The Mountain sub-committee and TTC were thrilled to be able to donate to three very worthy causes.
“The lives of racehorses after their racing career are enriched by programs such as Queensland Off-The-Track," Mr Woodford said.
“To see a racehorse loving competition in another medium or simply to be given a loving home is of paramount importance to the industry.”
Racing Queensland Senior Animal Care Manager Kim Duffy said the program was “delighted” with the donation.
“This will go a long way in assisting the placement of retired racehorses into second careers, as well as promoting life after racing options and identifying retirement pathways," Ms Duffy said.
“We’re proud to see that a race by Queenslanders exclusively for Queenslanders has chosen to support a program that exists to see retired Queensland horses thrive after leaving the track.
“We’d like to thank the Toowoomba Turf Club and look forward to supporting the inaugural Mort & Co King Of The Mountain event.”

In other Mort & Co King Of The Mountain news, ticketing to attend the event are now on sale, including food and beverage packages in function spaces, as well as general admission.
All guests will be treated to first-class entertainment with twilight racing, as well as music from ARIA-award winning artists GANGgajang and Thirsty Merc, as well as The Voice contestants Robbie Dolan and Jayden Sierra.