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Toowoomba Turf Club

Toowoomba Provincial

Sat 07 Sep Good 4


+2m Entire


Good 4 Pen 5.9


10mm last 24hrs, 35mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 10:11pm Sunday 08 September
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 7/9 - 7:45am
TRACK INFO: 10mm irrigation to be applied overnight


Mon 02/09/24 11:00am


Tue 03/09/24 03:00pm


Thu 05/09/24 09:00am


Thu 05/09/24 12:00pm


Sat 07/09/24 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7

WEATHER – Fine   TRACK RATING –  Good 4; Good 3 Races 3 - 7   RAIL – Out 2metres
Chairman of Stewards – C Warren
Stewards – J Childs, E Tickner & C Taylor
Stewards permitted the following overweights at tonights meeting:
Race 6- Jockey J Huxtable +1/2kg
App L Sykes was fined the sum of $500 under the provisions of AR143(14)(a) for being unable to claim his full allowance in Races 3 & 6 respectively. In considering the matter Stewards noted App Sykes poor record in relation to the rule and weight related rules generally as well as the late notification of his inability to claim his full allowance in this instance. Further, App Sykes was advised that should he continue to be unable to fulfil his obligation to claim down to his advertised riding weight Stewards would be obliged to consider preventing App Sykes from accepting rides at which he would be required to ride below 53.5kg. Additionally, the matter was referred to the Racing Queensland Apprentice Training Team.
The start of the event was delayed when gear needed to be adjusted on HAVA CRAICIN TIME at the barriers.
DECRYPT- Jockey M Murphy was reprimanded pursuant to AR131(b) for failing to ride his mount out to the finish of the event. In considering the matter Stewards were comfortably satisfied that Jockey Murphys lack of vigour had not had any tangible effect on the placings but was nonetheless far below the expected standard noting he had not tested his mount over the final six (6) strides of the event as well as the narrow margin between DECRYPT (5th) and DASH DASH DASH (6th).
MISS BAYLES- Momentarily held up approaching the 300m before shifting in. Laid in under pressure down the running.
ROCKY RICH- Raced keenly in the early stages when being restrained in an effort to obtain a position with cover.
LITTLE SPARK- Raced keenly in the middle stages. Raced wide for the majority.
HAVA CRAICIN TIME- Slow to begin.
TERMITE- Slow to begin.
GREAT BARRIER REEF- Held up for clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
MASTER GEE- Began awkwardly. Raced wide for the majority.
HUSS ON FIRST- Momentarily awkwardly placed on heels near the 900m before again becoming awkward on heel soon after when the pace slackened.
ALL WIN- Bumped on jumping.
MISSY'S READY- Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination behind the barriers at the request of the rider and was passed fit to start. Bumped on jumping. Raced keenly when the pace slackened near the 800m.
EYE WANTED- Raced ungenerously for a short distance and was obliged to be shifted wider near the 800m when the pace slackened. Laid out rounding the home turn.
MALECON- Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination and was passed fit to start. Raced keenly for a short distance approaching the 1000m. Obliged to shift in away from heels and was momentarily crowded near the 350m.
KEWELL- Crowded and obliged to steady approaching the 300m before being held up for clear running approaching the 200m having to be shifted wider.
EXPLOSIVE DRAGON- Bumped several times in the early stages of the home straight.
MORGANITE- Raced keenly in the early stages when being restrained in an effort to obtain cover. Shifted out to improve near the 350m and bumped FORTUNE READY heavily. Jockey M Wishart was reprimanded pursuant to AR131(a) for careless riding and advised to exercise greater care when attempting to shift ground in similar circumstances.
DEEP DAWN- Raced keenly near the 900m. When attempting to shift out to improve in the early stages of the home straight bumped on several occasions with EXPLOSIVE DRAGON. Was ultimately unable to secure clear running and raced in restricted room for some distance before being held  up, restrained and shifted wider away from heels leaving the 100m. Consequently, went to the line without being fully tested.
PREVARICATE- Momentarily crowded near the 350m.
TWOPENCE- Fractious on exiting the mounting yard and refused to proceed to the barrier and was subsequently declared a late scratching at 5:55pm. Prior to the declaration of correct weight Stewards ordered that all monies invested on the mare were ordered to be refunded with the following deductions applicable to all successful placed prior to 5:55pm:
9cents in the dollar for the win
11cents in the dollar for the place on the winner
10cents in the dollar for 2nd place
10cents in the dollar for 3rd place
Trainer M Currie was advised the mare would be required to trial under raceday conditions prior to again being permitted to start in a race.
ICHIKA- Stood flat footed as the start was effected. Trainer R Bowen was advised the mare would be required to obtain two (2) further consecutive barrier certificates prior to again being permitted start in a race.
MINT STREET- Laid out for the majority. Shifted in marginally near the 350m crowding runners to the inside, before shifting back out soon after. App R Thorburn was advised to exercise greater care in similar circumstances.
FORTUNE READY- Bumped heavily near the 350m
NYTHE- Trainer C Storch was reprimanded pursuant to LR67(3) for the late declaration of rider on the gelding.
IT'SMEMARIO- Began awkwardly. Raced wide for the majority.
SKATER- Bumped on jumping.
DUMA- Tightened for room and bumped on jumping, consequently settled further back in the field than may have been expected.
MILAGRO- Bumped on jumping. Took the 1500m course proper crossing awkwardly.
DUCHESS BREE- Began awkwardly and was slow into stride. Shifted in to obtain clear running leaving the 200m when not fully clear of WORLD ATLAS. Jockey N Evans was reprimanded pursuant to AR131(a) for careless riding as a result of this incident. Stewards queried Jockey Evans riding thereafter noting after being momentarily crowded near the 150m he subsequently neglected to pressure his mount and shifted out away from clear running when seemingly unnecessarily to do so. Jockey Evans stated that after being momentarily crowded his deemed that he would be unable to improve his mounts position in the field, however in hindsight concurred that he should have persisted with placing his mount under some pressure over the final 100m. Jockey Evans was subsequently reprimanded pursuant to AR131(b) and advised to ensure that, where possible, he ride his mounts out to the finish of the event.
GOING TO THE SUN- After beginning only fairly from the wider barrier was restrained in the early stages in an effort to obtain a position with cover. Over-raced near the 1400m and continued to race keenly for some distance thereafter. When queried regarding the seemingly improved performance  Trainer W King advised that, in his opinion, the beaten margins in the geldings most recent starts were minimal considering the luckless runs GOING TO THE SUN had endured and with a more favourable run in transit in tonights event, a forward showing was not unexpected.
WORLD ATLAS- Raced keenly near the 1300m. Crowded and obliged to steady leaving the 200m.
FORCE ME (NZ)- Shifted in and away from another runner under pressure approaching the 100m.
CAPITAL REIGN- Trainer M Goodwin was reprimanded pursuant to AR106(1) for having the gelding presented for pre-race inspection without blinkers or a bubble cheeker. In considering the matter, Stewards noted Mr Goodwins generally excellent record, having not breached any similar rule for some eight (8) years.
DEVIL'S RITE- Laid in under pressure leaving the 100m and momentarily crowded CAPITAL REIGN. App S Willis was advised to exercise greater care in similar circumstances and where necessary, to employ more extensive measure to prevent her mounts from shifting ground, noting some remedial efforts were being made.
VOULAIT- Slow into stride. Raced wide for the majority.
MY ONE- Trainer M Laine was reprimanded pursuant to LR36(6) for failing to scratch the mare, which was a dual acceptor, by the prescribed time from one of the accepted events. In considering the matter, Stewards noted the time of the scratching and Mr Laines record in relation to the rule.
LIVELY LASS- Momentarily steadied when crowded near the 750m.
PALEFACE RINGO- Shifted ground under pressure in the early stages of the home straight, shifting in near the 150m taking STATE IN TEXAS in and crowding the running of TIME TO CRY which was crowded and obliged to steady. Jockey M Hellyer was reprimanded pursuant to AR131(a) for careless riding as a result of this incident.
MISHANI SUSPECT- Obliged to steady and shift in and away form heels approaching the 800m. Shifted in abruptly near the 500m when not fully clear of ADDICTIVE PIRANHA which was obliged to steady and shift wider. App O Kendal was reprimanded pursuant to AR131(a) for careless riding as a result of this incident.
STATE IN TEXAS- Bumped on jumping. Laid out for the majority. Crowded and taken in near the 150m, crowding TIME TO CRY. Jockey A Allen will be advised that, where possible, efforts should be made sooner to relieve pressure placed on other runners in similar circumstances, noting STATE IN TEXAS had been dictated in onto the running of TIME TO CRY initially.
TIME TO CRY- Bumped on jumping. Shifted marginally in and away from another runner approaching the 800m momentarily crowding MISHANI SUSPECT. Jockey M Murphy was advised to exercise greater care and effort in preventing his mounts from shifting in, in similar circumstances. Obliged to steady before racing in restricted room from the 150m until leaving the 100m and was unable to be testing during that time.
RUMI STAR- Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
ADDICTIVE PIRANHA- As App L Sykes was unable to claim his full allowance, Stewards permitted App S Callow to be substituted as the replacement rider. Slow into stride. Shifted in and away from another runner near the 800m. Obliged to steady and shift wider away from heels near the 500m.
JOY A PLENTY- Slow into stride.
CAPE BOY- Under pressure from the 600m. Finished somewhat tailed off. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
OUTTA BEAUTY- Slow to begin. Raced keenly in the early stages. Improved onto heels near the 1400m before being shifted wider and permitted to stride forward from that point and obtain a leading position near the 900m.
RICH FLEX- Jockey M Murphy advised his mount felt awkward in its action over the concluding stages. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
CRIMSON ECHO- Began awkwardly. Raced keenly on heels near the 1300m and shifted wider.
HOT PEACH- Raced keenly near the 1300m.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 1- Jockey M Murphy- Failed to ride mount out- AR131(b)- Reprimand
Race 3- Jockey M Wishart- Careless riding- AR131(a)- Reprimand
Race 4- Jockey N Evans- Careless riding- AR131(a)- Reprimand
                                           Failed to ride mount out- AR131(b)- Reprimand
Race 5- Trainer M Goodwin- Presented with incorrect gear- AR106(1)- Reprimand
              Trainer M Laine- Failed to scratch dual acceptor by prescribed time- LR36(6)- Reprimand
Race 6- Jockey M Hellyer- Careless riding- AR131(a)- Reprimand
              App O Kendall- Careless riding- AR131(a)- Reprimand
Races 3 & 6- App L Sykes- Fail to claim full allowance- AR143(14)(a)- $500

Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race.
Horses swabbed post-race.
All winners
Race 3- TWOPENCE- Refused to proceed to barriers- Barrier trial under raceday conditions
              ICHIKA- Stood flatfooted- Two further consecutive barrier certificates
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 6- ADDICTIVE PRIANAHA was ridden by App S Callow
Late scratchings
Race 3- TWOPENCE- 5:55pm
The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to external review.  The Racing Appeals Panel manages external reviews, and the Racing Appeals Panel publishes its decisions on its website.
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.