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Greyhound Public Training Track Registration
As part of the Queensland Government’s endorsement of recommendations from the 2015 MacSporran report, enhancement of Local greyhound racing rules was proposed to ensure that any non-race day related activity, such as breaking in, pre-training, training or trialing, was restricted to registered tracks.
Racing Queensland (RQ) and the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) determined that RQ would be responsible for the registration of Public Training Tracks and that the QRIC would be responsible for any registration or oversight of Private Training Tracks as determined by QRIC.
Following consultation, RQ adopted Local Rules in 2022, that will require all Public Training Tracks to be registered with RQ and operated by a Training Track Operator in accordance with registration requirements.
The Greyhound Public Training Track Registration Procedure and the Public Training Track Operating Guideline which support the Public Training Track Local Rule were adopted for application on November 2, 2022.
The procedures and guidelines provide for three categories of Public Training Track, scaling from the more complex commercial trialing and early education tracks (where infrastructure replicates racetracks) to simpler ‘slipping’ tracks, used primarily for fitness and exercise training by groups of licensed trainers.
Greyhound Public Training Track Registration Procedure
The purpose of the Greyhound Public Training Track Registration Procedure is:
- to outline the process adopted by RQ to manage applications received for the registration of Public Training Tracks under the Local Rules; and
- to set out the conditions that will apply to Public Training Tracks registered by RQ under the Local Rules.
The procedure applies to all Training Tracks in Queensland other than Private Training Tracks (QRIC oversight) and Licensed Racing Venues (subject to separate registration process with RQ).
The procedure outlines the registration categories, the application process, detailed conditions of registration, review processes the minimum provisions.
Greyhound Public Training Track Operating Guideline
The purpose of the Greyhound Public Training Track Operating Guideline is to set out the operational requirements and minimum standards that apply to the operation and maintenance of Public Training Tracks registered by RQ under the Registration Procedure.
The operational requirements and minimum standards for Category 1 and Category 2 tracks vary from those that apply to Category 3 tracks.
The training track minimum standards have been based on minimum standards that apply to Licensed Venues.
Application Process
To apply to register a Greyhound Public Training Track please the complete the Application Form and return to clublicensing@racingqueensland.com.au.
Applicant | Venue | Training Track Operator | Registration Category |
John Jeffrey | 147 Murphys Creek Road, Postmans Ridge | John Jeffrey | Category 1 |
Alan Dargusch | 1169 Atkinson Dam Road, Churchable QLD 4311 | Alan Dargusch | Category 1 |
Stephen Essery | 40104 Bruce Highway, Burdell QLD 4818 | Stephen Essery | Category 3 |
Greyhound Racing NQ Inc | 585-619 Mulgrave Road, Earlville QLD 4870 | Anthony Gaiardo | Category 3 |
Glasshouse Greyhound Sporting Club Inc | 79D Barrs Road, Glasshouse Mountains QLD 4518 | Errol James Kleinhans | Category 3 |
Queensland Greyhound Breeders Owners and Trainers Association Inc | 757 Gympie Road, Lawnton QLD 4501 | Wayne Spann | Category 3 |
Michael Zammit | 206 Burnside Road, Ormeau QLD 4208 | Michael Zammit | Category 3 |
West Moreton Owners and Trainers Association Inc | 125A Chubb Street, One Mile QLD 4305 | Josephine Warbroek | Category 3 |