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General Information

Nominations | Scratchings | Trials | Fees & Closing Times | Heat & Finals Conditions | Appendices

Matters relating to the integrity of animals and people in the industry are no longer overseen by Racing Queensland and are governed by the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission. For more information, visit their site here.



1. Stable Returns 

2. Education Trials 

3. Official TrialsQualifying to Race.

4.Nominations & Acceptance 


6. Terminology 

7. Field Selection 

8. Automatic Field Selection System 

9. Manual Race Field Selection Policy 

10. Divided Conditioned Racing 

11.  Discretionary Handicaps 

12. Class Handicaps 

13. Preferences 

14. Race Splits / Allocation 

15. Race Programs 

16. RQ Stakemoney Schedule 

17. Field Limits 

18. Seeded Preferential Barrier Draws 

19. Barrier Draw Types 

20. Reductions in Class 

21. Re-Handicaps 

22. Re-Draws 

23. Emergencies 

24. Claiming Races 

25. Heat and Final Conditions 

26. Driver Declarations 

27. Scratchings

28. Racing in Hot Weather - Policy

29. Concession Drivers

30. Driver Suspensions

31. Drivers Fees

32. Horses that have raced overseas

33. Gear 

34. Brands

35. Change of Tactics

36. Dual Runners

37. Racing Colours

38. Re-Inclusion into the Barrier Draw (ODM, RODM, ODS, RODS) 

39. Trainers Absence

40. Sectional Times Policy

41. Whips (New whip policy to be included at a later date)

42. False Starts

43. Walk Up Starts

44. Delaying the Start 

45. Pre-Race Warm Ups

46. Abandoned Race Meetings

47. Guidelines for Horses Experiencing Cardiac Arrhythmia Post-Race or Trial 

48. Notification of Condition and Treatment of a Horse

49. One Nostril Bleed

50. Bleeding Attack

51. Molasses & Additives

52. Licencing (To include updated policy at a later date) 

53. Dress Standards. 

54. Stabling Area. 

55. Harness Racing Contacts

1.Stable Returns

  1. A Stable Return and Gear Form, with all sections completed, must be lodged with the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) immediately a horse comes under the control of a trainer with the intention of preparing the horse to participate in education, official trials or racing.  A stable return must be submitted prior to beginning work for the first time NOT when ready to be presented for a trial or race.  Trainers who fail to comply are guilty of an offence. 
  2. Stable Returns can be submitted via HarnessWeb or by completing and submitting a Stable Return form by fax, email or post to the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC).  Stable returns will NOT be accepted upon application by phone.
  3. In the event of a change to any particulars a fresh stable return must be lodged immediately with QRIC.  Changes in gear however can be notified on an Alteration to Gear Form or may be notified by phone to the Racing Office staff at Racing Queensland (RQ) on (07) 3869 9774.  (Refer to point 33 for details of gear requirements). 
  4. Any alterations to gear for a horse with an upcoming racing engagement should be notified by no later than the driver declaration deadline (Refer to point 26 for driver declaration details) to enable this information to be distributed to relevant parties in a timely manner.  Any applications for an alteration to gear received after this time will be referred to QRIC Stewards for approval or otherwise.
  5. If a stable return has not been lodged RQ Officials reserve the right to refuse nominations under Rule 119B which reads “Unless the stewards otherwise approve, a horse shall not be eligible to be nominated for a race unless the horse has been trained by a licensed trainer for not less than 28 days immediately prior to the date fixed for nomination.”  For the purpose of clarity “race” also refers to trial or education.  Should a horse be nominated for a race, trial or education with no stable return lodged the horse may be stood down for 28 days and/or the trainer may incur a penalty.
  6. Any trainer relinquishing the training of a horse shall notify QRIC in writing, or via HarnessWeb, immediately upon the horse leaving his/her care.  Trainers who fail to comply are guilty of an offence and the appropriate penalties will apply.  This is an animal welfare requirement and must be adhered to.
  7. Any interstate or overseas based trainers visiting with horses for the purpose of racing in Queensland must provide a Stable Return detailing the particulars of the horse and where the horse will be domiciled during their Queensland visit. This can be completed on HarnessWeb.
  8. The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) only are responsible for Stable Returns. Racing Queensland (RQ) are only permitted to enter alterations to notified gear.


2.Education Trials

  1. Nominations – Must be submitted to the RQ Racing Office no later than 10.00am on the working day prior or at the closing time otherwise stated for the qualifying trials to be conducted.  Nominations can be supplied by HarnessWeb (if named), phone on 07 3869 9774, or by email to  Any education nomination for an unnamed horse must be relayed by phone to the RQ Racing Office.  Trainers must supply their name, the horses name or in the case of un-named horses the horses breeding, age and sex.
  2. Eligibility – Unraced horses or any 2yo’s only are permitted to participate unless otherwise approved by the QRIC Chairman of Stewards under special circumstances.  Other inexperienced or unruly horses may be permitted to educate upon successful application to QRIC Stewards.
  3. Education trials will only be undertaken with horses directly following the gate (no second line).  A maximum for any one education session applies:
  • Seven (7) at Albion Park
  • Six (6) at Redcliffe
  • Five (5) at Marburg
    1. Should any more than the maximum number of starters nominate a second or third session may be conducted.
    2. To be held an education trial must have more than one acceptor otherwise may be cancelled.
    3. A stable return must have been lodged with QRIC to be eligible to compete.  No stable return = no start.  If no stable return at time of nomination the horse may be stood down for 28 days.
    4. An $11 fee (GST inclusive) is applicable for all education trials and this will be charged to the trainers account. This fee is only applicable if the horse starts. (No fee if horse scratched)
    5. Drivers in education sessions must hold an A, B, or C Grade drivers licence to be eligible.
    6. Brands and markings will be checked by QRIC Officials.
    7. QRIC Stewards or RQ Officials reserve the right to cancel education trials at their discretion.
    8. Education trials commence at the time programmed by RQ Officials, either in between races or immediately after the last race except Wednesday night meetings which will be held prior to the first race.
    9. Education trials are to be completed and removed 15 minutes after commencement taking into account time restraints.  Start and finish times will be strictly enforced.
    10. Education Trials are to be conducted as follows:
  1. Tuesday (Day)
  1. Wednesday (Night)
  • Education trial/s before first race and prior to the first barrier trial.


  1. Thursday (Day)
  • Education trial/s either after last race or between races at the time allocated by RQ Officials. 
  1. Friday (Day meetings)
  • Education trial/s either in between races or at the time otherwise allocated by RQ Officials.
  1. Friday (Night meetings)
  • Albion Park only
  • Education trial/s before first race and prior to the first barrier trial.
  1. Saturday or Sunday (Day)
  • Education trial/s before first race and prior to the first barrier trial or at the time otherwise scheduled by RQ Officials.
    1. While every attempt will be made to accommodate education horses, RQ and the host race club cannot guarantee these horses will be allocated a stable.  Race horses will be given stabling priority on race days.
    2. RQ Officials reserve the right, due to unforeseen circumstances, to change or cancel any programmed education trial.

3.Official Trials

  1. Nominations – Must be submitted to the RQ Racing Office no later than 10.00am on the working day prior or time and date otherwise specified.  Trainers may nominate by HarnessWeb, email, or phone.   
  2. Eligibility – All standardbreds are eligible to trial at any time unless at the close of acceptances any horse is stood down for a veterinary certificate which has not been produced, has been stood down by order of QRIC Officials or has an owner or trainer that suspended, disqualified or on a Forfeits List.
  3. A horse stood down to race for a period of time may trial in that period unless the horse was stood down for veterinary reasons or had previously suffered a bleeding attack.
  4. A horse stood down for multiple trials must complete the trials to the satisfaction of QRIC Stewards consecutively.  For example, if a horse is stood down for two (2) trials passes its first trial but fails to qualify at its second attempt such horse will need to pass another two trials consecutively before being cleared to race.  Both trials cannot be conducted on the same day. 
  5. A horse stood down from racing will not be permitted to requalify in a barrier trial unless two free days have passed since being stood down.
  6. A stable return must have been lodged with QRIC to be eligible to compete.  No stable return = no start.  If no stable return at time of nomination the horse may be stood down for 28 days.
  7. Brands and markings will be checked by QRIC Officials.
  8. RQ or QRIC Officials reserve the right due to unforeseen circumstances to cancel or combine any official trial if deemed necessary.
  9. Trials will be drawn at the discretion of the Handicappers with the aim of achieving at least 4 starters and maximizing field sizes to replicate a race. On occasions a trial field may be drawn with less than 4 acceptors at the discretion of RQ Officials.
  10. Stabling – every effort will be made to accommodate as many trial horses as possible however RQ Officials or the host race club may on occasions not allocate a stable to trial horses. (Refer to 3.24).  Race horses will be given priority in stabling.
  11. Ballots – On occasions it may be necessary to conduct a ballot from the trials should there be too many horses to accommodate.  (Refer to 3.24 for balloting conditions). 
  12. The race meeting will always have priority over the trials.
  13. When splitting trial fields RQ Handicappers may where possible, depending on time restraints, separate trotters and pacers should there be four or more horses of each gait nominated to trial for any start type.
  14. In all cases the split of trial fields and the handicapping of horses in standing start trials are at the discretion of the RQ Handicapping Panel.  Where possible RQ will attempt to split owner, trainer and driver doubles, however on occasions this may not be achievable.  All decisions will be final and any scratchings will incur the relevant fees.
  15. Usual handicaps under race conditions may not take effect in standing start trials as horses may be grouped together to simulate race conditions.
  16. The trial fee schedule is as follows:

Nomination Fee

$22.00 (GST inclusive)

Late Scratching Fee

$11.00 (GST inclusive)


  1. Nominations and scratchings are to close as per the following schedule (except on Public Holidays):


Nominations Close

Scratching Close**

Tuesday (D)

Monday, 10:00am

Tuesday, 8:30am

Wednesday (N)

Tuesday, 10:00am

Wednesday, 8:30am

Thursday (D)

Wednesday, 10:00am

Thursday, 8:30am

Friday (D)

Thursday, 10:00am

Friday, 8:30am

Saturday (D)

Thursday, 10:00am

Saturday, 8:30am

Sunday (D)

Friday, 10:00am

Sunday, 8:30am

**Closing times will be strictly enforced

  1. Scratchings can be made by calling the RQ Racing Office on 07 3869 9774 or the RQ Scratching Hotline 1800 331 308. These phone numbers will also be available for use on weekends or public holidays. Should you receive no answer on the above phone numbers please call 0422 236 284.  Scratchings received after the 8:30am deadline will be deemed as late scratchings and notified to QRIC Stewards, Club Officials and other relevant parties.  Late scratchings from the trials will incur an $11 scratching fee.

For communication purposes it is requested that you notify your scratching prior to the scratching deadline if possible.

When scratching a horse, trainers must clearly identify the following:

  1. Trainers Name
  2. Trainers Licence Number
  3. Trial Details
  4. Horses Name
  5. In the case of a trial a reason for scratching is not necessary


  1. Trainers of all official trial nominees are to be charged by RQ a nomination fee of $22 (inc GST) as described in Clause 3.16.  Pay up on course is not permitted.
  2. Horses that are scratched prior to the scratching close time in Clause 3.17 will incur a nomination fee of $22 (inc GST) as described in 3.16.
  3. Horses that are scratched after the scratching close time in Clause 3.17, without an acceptable reason, will incur the nomination fee of $22 (inc GST) and additional late scratching fee of $11 (inc GST) as described in Clause 3.16.
  4. Examples of Fees

If you:

  • Nominate and start the trainer will be invoiced $22.00 (GST inclusive).
  • Nominate and scratch by scratching closing time, the trainer will be invoiced $22.00 (GST inclusive).
  • Nominate and scratch after scratching closing time or do not attend the official trials after nominating, the trainer will be invoiced a $22.00 (GST inclusive) nomination fee and an $11.00 (GST inclusive) late scratching fee.  ($33.00 in total)
    1. Barrier Trial Schedule
  1. Tuesday & Friday (Day Meetings only)
  • Trials are to be conducted in between races if time permits otherwise may be placed before the first race or after the last race. 
  • Trials only to be held when the gap between races is no shorter than 35 minutes.
  • Where possible trials will be staggered to allow sufficient time for track staff to maintain the track for racing.
  • The order in which trials are placed are at the discretion of Handicappers, taking into account any special requests.
  • Trainers are welcome to request a preferred time for their trial.  Trainer requests will be considered when determining the placement of the trials however RQ Officials cannot guarantee that trainers requests will always be met.
  • Trials from both the mobile and standing start methods will be available should there be sufficient nominations.  (Field size is at the discretion of Handicappers).
  • No more horses than the maximum number that can be safely accommodated in the stabling complex on any day will be accepted. 
  • Should the number of race horses competing at the race meeting reach or exceed the maximum number of horses that can be safely accommodated the trials may be cancelled or a ballot may be conducted.
  1. Redcliffe Wednesday & Albion Park Friday (Night)
  1. Saturday or Sunday afternoon (Marburg)
  • Trials may be conducted prior to the first race however on occasion may be placed between races if time permits.
  • The number of trials may be limited however will be determined by RQ Handicappers taking into account nominations received and time in which the ambulance officers have been booked to begin their shift.
  • Sufficient time will be allowed for track staff to maintain the track prior to the first race.
  • Trainers are welcome to request a preferred time for their trial.  Trainers requests will be considered when determining the order for the trials however RQ Officials cannot guarantee that trainers requests will always be met.
  • Trials from both the mobile and standing start methods will be available should there be sufficient nominations.  (Field size is at the discretion of Handicappers).
  • The number of trials will be determined depending upon the availability of staff, time available to conduct the trials and the amount of horses that can be safely accommodated. 
  • Should the number of race horses competing at the race meeting reach or exceed the maximum number of horses that can be safely accommodated in the stabling complex the trials may be cancelled or a ballot may be conducted.
  • The standing start trial will be placed as the first trial unless otherwise requested by QRIC Stewards or Club Officials.
    1. If at any time, due to excess horses nominated for trials & the lack of available stabling to safely accommodate them, RQ reserve the right to conduct a ballot. 
    2. Where ballots are required, preference in selection will be given to horses in the following order:
    3. have not yet qualified from the mode of start nominated for;
    4. the need to re-qualify to race (under bar or have not raced or trialled in over 6 months);
    5. those nominated to trial to be re-included in the barrier draw (ODM, ODS, RODM, RODS).
    6. C Grade Driver gaining experience required to obtain licence to drive at race meetings.
    7. When determining whether a ballot for trials will be required the below factors will be taken into account:
  1. Number of available stalls at the host race club.
  2. Number of stables which could be reused.
  3. The horse / stable limit for the relevant venue.
  4. Total number of horses which can be safely accommodated limiting any inconvenience to other participants.
  5. Time available to conduct trials.
    1. RQ Officials will always encourage Club Officials to allocate a stable to horses engaged to race at the race meeting first and whilst endeavouring to accommodate as many horses as possible, RQ reserve the right to not allocate a stable to trial or education horses if necessary.
    2. Trainers are reminded that they must only use the stables they have been allocated and should they place a horse in a stall not allocated to them, inconveniencing others, they will be dealt with appropriately by QRIC Stewards.
    3. In order to avoid confusion for Judges, Officials, QRIC Stewards and RQ staff loading trial results, driver declarations are requested by 8.30am on the day of the trial.  Driver changes for trials or educations received after this deadline may incur a penalty from QRIC Stewards. A similar penalty may apply if a driver is not declared or is changed without notification.
    4. Club colours cannot be used in trials.  A fee may be applicable if appropriate race colours are not available.
    5. RQ or QRIC Officials reserve the right, due to unforeseen circumstances, to cancel any programmed official trial.

Qualifying to Race

  1. A horse must be named to be eligible to compete in a Qualifying Trial.       
  2. To be eligible for a mobile start race a horse must qualify in a mobile start Qualifying Trial and/or to be eligible for a standing start race a horse must qualify in a standing start Qualifying Trial.
  3. If a trial is divided into a division with 2YO’s only engaged, then the trial will be run over the distance closest to 1609m.
  4. To qualify to race, a horse must complete the following requirements within the qualifying mile rates as listed below:


  1. In a mobile start – score up without interference to other horses and be in its correct barrier position at the candy pole until the starting point, then complete the trial in a competitive manner without losing gait or rhythm.


  1. In a standing start – not delay the start through intractability and begin at the correct gait then complete the trial in a competitive manner without losing gait or rhythm.


  1. QRIC Stewards at their discretion may make additional time allowances after considering the track condition.
  2. Trial field sizes are set at the discretion of Handicappers. Where possible trials with larger field sizes are preferred to simulate race conditions however factors such as age, gait, sex, National Rating, experience and ability will be taken into account when considering field sizes.
  3. Any horse which is presented to compete in an Official Barrier Trial for the purposes of qualifying to race for the first time, and fails to qualify as per Clause 3.35, may be excluded from the draw or be stood down and not permitted to compete in any Official Barrier Trial for a period of up to 14 days, except in circumstances where it failed to qualify because of the actions of another runner, and/or with permission of the QRIC Chairman of Stewards.
  4. Any horse which has not competed in a race for a period exceeding six (6) months must perform competitively, to the satisfaction of QRIC Stewards, in an official barrier trial, before being entered to start in any race.  Such horse must also meet the time requirements in order to re-qualify.  When checking eligibility to race if a horse appears on the HaRVey system six month report it will be ineligible to race regardless of how close in days to the actual 6 months.
  5. Any horse which has not raced for a period exceeding six (6) months, and has attained the age of twelve (12) years or older, will also be required to have a veterinary certificate of soundness provided, prior to competing in such barrier trial.  The veterinary certificate must be provided prior to acceptance time for the trial.

*   For the purposes of this policy a horse must perform in such trial in accordance with Clause 3.35.

  1. Horses cannot requalify in a trial unless two free days have passed since being stood down.

3.42     Horses cleared from other jurisdictions and/or countries:

  1. A horse trained outside the state of Queensland will be qualified to race in a mobile start at a race meeting in Queensland if such horse has raced or qualified from a mobile start in the State or Country where it is trained, or has qualified in the state of Queensland.
  2. A horse trained outside the state of Queensland will be qualified to race in a standing start at a race meeting in Queensland if such horse has raced or qualified from a standing start in the State or Country where it is trained, or has qualified in the state of Queensland.
    1. Change of Gait - To change the gait of a horse, the owner or trainer must lodge with QRIC Stewards a written request accompanied by the registration certificate.  Application through a change in gear on HarnessWeb is not permitted.  The horse must qualify to the satisfaction of QRIC Stewards on two (2) consecutive occasions. Both trials cannot be performed on the same day.  A further change of gait cannot be approved until the expiration of three months from the date of the previous request unless otherwise approved by QRIC Stewards.  A horse changing gait will keep its current assessment (i.e. a C2 becomes a T2, a T2 becomes a C2).
    2. For a pacer to race unhoppled the trainer must qualify such pacer by completing two consecutive qualifying trials.  Trainers must make written application to QRIC Stewards or RQ Officials when intending to trial a horse for clearance to race unhoppled.  Application through a gear change on HarnessWeb is not permitted.
    3. Should a horse be stood down for multiple trials such horse must complete satisfactory trials on a consecutive basis. Both trials cannot be completed on the same day.
    4. Horses which are stood down from racing for a period of time may trial but cannot race during that period with the exception of horses which have been stood down for veterinary reasons who cannot trial until the duration of the stand down period has elapsed.
    5. If a veterinary clearance is required prior to trialling, it must be received by acceptance time for the event it is accepting for or the horse will be deemed ineligible.
    6. The use of certain gear such as hind spreaders or cornell collar require the horse to trial to the satisfaction of QRIC Stewards prior to be used in a race.  It is the trainers responsibility to notify QRIC Stewards before the trial such gear is to be tested on the horse and in the case of the cornell collar the on course veterinarian has inspected the attachment of this gear prior to trialling.
    7. The total of 28 Field Selection Points gained by a horse once first qualified to race will not be altered if the horse thereafter qualifies for the alternate type of start (mobile or stand) in a Qualifying Trial.
    8. There are no race field selection points awarded in official trials.
    9. Due to weather conditions trials may be abandoned by direction of the QRIC Stewards or RQ Officials.  Ensuring that the race meeting continues is the ultimate priority.

4.Nominations & Acceptance

  1. A horse must be nominated for a race or an official trial by the preferred method of HarnessWeb, however nominations by email or telephone may also be accepted in some circumstances. RQ Racing Office staff accept no responsibility for errors of nominations received by phone.
  2. Trainers are encouraged to use HarnessWeb for all nominations rather than by direct contact with Racing Office staff to keep interruptions to a minimum and improve the efficiencies of RQ staff. 
  3. Fax nominations are no longer permitted.
  4. Nominations for horse education may be made by HarnessWeb if the horse is named however for unnamed horses nominations are permitted via phone by contacting the RQ Racing Office on 07 3869 9774.  Education nominations close at 10.00am the business day prior to the race meeting or at the time otherwise notified by RQ Officials. 
  5. Nomination and Acceptance times for each relevant race meeting are as per the below table however may vary for public holidays:


Nominations Close

Acceptance Close

Scratching Close

Tuesday (D)

Thursday, 10:00am

Thursday, 11:00am

Tuesday, 8:30am

Wednesday (N)

Friday, 10:00am

Friday, 11:00am

Wednesday, 8:30am

Thursday (D)

Monday, 10:00am

Monday, 11:00am

Thursday, 8:30am

Friday (D or N)

Tuesday, 10:00am

Tuesday, 11:00am

Friday, 8:30am

Saturday/Sunday (D)

Wednesday, 10:00am

Wednesday, 11:00am

Saturday/Sunday, 8:30am

Saturday (N)

Tuesday, 10:00am

Tuesday, 11:00am

Saturday, 8:30am


  1. All nominations close with Racing Queensland only.
  2. Upon nomination close at 10:00am a viewing window of one hour will be permitted for trainers to view all nominations for each race. (Acceptances close 11:00am)
  3. Horses withdrawn during the viewing window or up to the release of the final race fields will incur a $44 withdrawal fee per horse.  Each horse withdrawn from multiple race preferences however will incur only the one $44 fee per horse.
  4. Once the viewing window has been made available no new nominations will be accepted unless the race fields have been extended for a nominated period.
  5. Once the viewing window has been made available trainers are NOT permitted to change their preferences however may scratch the horse from one of their preferences.
  6. Trainers if upon viewing their nominations discover an apparent error with their nomination are encouraged to contact RQ as soon as possible.  Should the apparent error be at the fault of the trainer RQ are under no obligation to correct their error after the 10am deadline.
  7. No trainer will be permitted to enter a horse for a race, or any driver be declared for any engagement, which is scheduled for the following (new) season, unless the relevant person has renewed his/her respective licence at the time of the declaration.
  8. Trainers who nominate via HarnessWeb are reminded that they should always check any nominations lodged by using the ‘MY NOMS’ icon.  This will confirm that nominations have been correctly lodged and provide a chance to rectify any problems or errors.
  9. Trainers who nominate via HarnessWeb are also reminded to use the “Comments” field to indicate any requests E.g. First preference, two starters or none, can race both days, early race etc.
  10. A horse must be qualified to race prior to the close of acceptances for the race they have nominated for.
  11. If nominations for a race(s) at a meeting are extended beyond the 11am close of acceptance deadline, all registered trainers will receive an SMS detailing which races are extended and the new closing time.  Please be sure your mobile phone details in the system are current.  Preference in field selection will be given to original nominations.
  12. In the event that an unqualified horse is nominated for a race for which nominations are extended, and then qualifies prior to the close of extended nominations, such horse shall be deemed to be a late nomination for the purpose of field selection.
  13. If the trainer of a horse is required to produce a veterinary certificate prior to racing, it must be received by the 10am acceptance time for the event it is accepting for or the horse will be declared ineligible to start.
  14. If a horse is stood down to trial and is also engaged to race at an upcoming meeting, such horse will be scratched from its upcoming engagement.  There will be no opportunity to trial the horse between engagements in an effort to clear it to race.
  15. When nominations have been extended for a particular race, any horse that has been scratched prior to acceptance time, may only be re-nominated on the same handicap mark in a standing start race or under the same assessment mark in a mobile start race and shall be treated as a late nomination.  New horses cannot be nominated to race pending clearance at an official Qualifying trial. 
  16. A concession claiming driver may not be substituted for a non-concession claiming driver, and accordingly, a non-concession claiming driver may not be substituted for a concession claiming driver after the 10am nomination deadline.
  17. In Claiming races the claiming price for a horse may not be altered after the advertised nomination close even if nominations have been extended.   
  18. For a horse to be eligible for a claiming race, a completed claiming authority form must be lodged with the QRIC Licensing and Registration Department prior to acceptance time.
  19. Claiming Prices for all mobile claiming events shall be only be in increments of $500.
  20. Unless stipulated in the race conditions, in standing start claiming races claiming prices may only be in increments of $1,000.  Horses are then handicapped 10 metres for each $1,000 that their claiming price exceeds the front of the race.
  21. The claiming price of a horse may be increased (from the most recently lodged claiming authority form) by the trainer in writing, via HarnessWeb nomination or on the official nomination form, but may only be decreased (from the most recently lodged claiming authority form) by the owner/s on an official claiming authority form.
  22. Any horse nominated for a claiming race can only accept for one claiming race per calendar day.
  23. Any horse that is owned or trained by a person/s listed on the ‘Unpaid Forfeits List’ at the time nominations close will be made ineligible.


  1. A horses’ eligibility for a race shall be determined by the Handicapper and/or QRIC Stewards.  The eligibility of a horse entered into a race shall be determined as at the time acceptances close for such race.


  1. In a race of any class, the term ‘Mares’ shall refer to and include Fillies & Mares and the term ‘Entires and Geldings’ shall refer to and include Colts, Entires, Geldings and Rigs.

7.Field Selection

  1. Race fields are selected by using one of three methods:
  2. Automatic Race Field Selection (Refer Point 7)
  3. Manual Race Field Selection (Refer Point 8)
  4. Divided Conditions (Refer Point 9)

8.Automatic Field Selection System

  1. With the exception of Metropolitan meetings and other chosen feature events the fields for Queensland race meetings are selected in accordance with the Automatic Field Selection System unless otherwise stipulated in the race conditions.
  2. Horses will be awarded field selection points based on their finishing order in any race they contest.  The amount of points awarded depends on the meeting type and tiered prizemoney level structure (Refer table below).


Metro Meeting or Band Penalty race or races above


Metro Meeting races valued up to $11,999

$7,000 or more

$5,000 to $6,999

$2,001 to $4,999

NON-TAB or Races up to the value of $2,000



































































































  1. The point scores for each horse are calculated on points they have earned over their last five engagements.  Of the five-point scoring runs the worst point score is removed and the remaining four are accumulated to give the total point score.  (See example below)

            Date                Track              Place               Points

            06/09/2011      Albion Park     Ballot               7

            27/08/2011      Albion Park     11th                  5   ← removed

            19/08/2011      Gold Coast      7th                   6

            11/08/2011      Gold Coast      1st                    11

            02/08/2011      Albion Park     4th                    8

            Total                                                               32

  1. All races under the Automatic Field Selection Policy will be selected in descending point score order unless otherwise stated in race conditions.  Selected races only may be selected in LOWEST to highest point score order.
  2. A horse will be awarded 7 field selection points if it is balloted from a race selected using the Automatic Field Selection System. These ballot points are treated as a points scoring performance and will replace such horse’s LOWEST points scoring performance. This will not be applicable under the following scenarios:
  1. When a horse has an unfulfilled engagement;
  2. When a horse is a late nomination;
  3. When a horse is deemed ineligible at acceptance time;
  4. When a horse is balloted from a race having gained a start in another race on the same day.  (Only one set of ballot points apply per race meeting)
  5. When a horse is balloted from a race having already been balloted from another race on the same day.
  6. If the horse is declared an emergency but is scratched.
  7. If the race is declared a ‘no-race’ or is abandoned.
  8. When the race field selection is based from lowest to highest point score order.
  9. When the total number of field selection points will decrease if seven (7) points are awarded
    1. Ballot points are to be credited to a horse’s field selection points total after the running of the race meeting from which the horse has been balloted. Incoming ballot points replace the lowest point score in a horses last 5 engagements. 
    2. When a horse qualifies to race it will be initially allotted a points score of 28 points (4 ‘gifted’ starts of 7 points).  The points score of a newly qualified horse will then be calculated in the same manner as for a horse with a racing history, that is, by considering the horse’s last five points scoring performances and discarding the lowest point scoring performance so that the total of the remaining four points scoring performances becomes the points score used in the Automatic Field Selection System.

In the event that a ballot is required from horses on the same point score as horses that have not yet had a race start (ie: 28 points), the horse which has not yet started will be considered as having 7 ‘gift’ points at its last engagement which may provide the opportunity to gain a start over a horse which has only had one start but earned less than seven points at that start.  (Refer example below)

                        First starter                            Horse with one start

                        7 Gift points                             3 points at only race start

                        7 Gift points                             7 Gift points

                        7 Gift points                             7 Gift points

                        7 Gift points                             7 Gift points

                        0 points                                    7 Gift points

                        28 points total                          28 points total

In the above example the first starter will gain the run over the horse which has had only one race start considering the points at the last engagement (7 vs 3).

  1. For all races selected in accordance with the Queensland Automatic Field Selection System, in the event of two or more horses being equal with the same points score, a count back will determine which horse gains a start, with preference given to the horse which earned the highest points at its last point scoring engagement.  If both/all horses earned the same points, this procedure will be repeated through each previous point scoring engagement.  If both/all horses cannot be separated a random ballot will determine which horse/s gain a start. 
  2. A horse that already has an engagement as a starter in a race at Acceptance Time for a given meeting will be deemed as having an Unfulfilled Engagement.  Horses with an unfulfilled engagement will only be selected after horses without an engagement unless otherwise stipulated in the race conditions.
  3. If a horse is nominated for two different meetings conducted on different days but acceptances close on the same day, the trainer may indicate that he is willing to start the horse on both days if circumstances permit.  Should the horse gain a start in its preferred event it will be deemed as having an unfulfilled engagement when being considered for the other race meeting.
  4. Pursuant to Rule 133 (1) & (2) every effort will be made to meet the above conditions, however the inclusion of any horse over another shall not be grounds for requesting a redraw, nor shall any liability of any nature be incurred by RQ as a result of any error.  In all cases the decision of the RQ Handicapping Panel will be final.              

9.Manual Race Field Selection Policy

  1. Fields for Metropolitan race meetings are selected by the RQ Field Selection Panel in accordance with the Manual Race Field Selection Policy. 
  2. The Automatic Field Selection System and the unfulfilled engagement rule are not applicable at Metropolitan race meetings.
  3. The best credentialed horses in every race will be selected with the RQ Handicapping Panel referring to the following horse performance information:

(All information assessed equally)

  1. Current Figure Form (last 6 race starts)
  2. Margins Beaten
  3. Mile Rates
  4. Class of Opposition
  5. Class of Races
  6. Positions in Running
  7. Barrier Draws
  8. Interference Received
  9. Standing starts – all previous standing start form will be assessed in addition to current figure form over the last 10 starts.
    1. The horses which in the opinion of the RQ Handicapping Panel have the best overall form based on the above criteria will be declared as starters in the field.
    2. Multiple stable runners can be drawn as the only selection criteria is form as per criteria in Point 9.3.  (Unless otherwise stated in race conditions)
    3. A horse that has not previously had a race start has no exposed form and as such horses that have had a race start will be included first under the Manual Field Selection Policy.  Trial form will not be considered.  If balloting is required with multiple unraced horses a random ballot will be conducted to determine which of the unraced horses gain a start.
    4. Permission may be granted at the sole discretion of RQ for other Clubs to apply for these conditions on selected events.
    5. Pursuant to AHR Rule 133 (1) & (2) every effort will be made to meet the above conditions, however the inclusion of any horse over another shall not be grounds for requesting a redraw, nor shall any liability of any nature be incurred by RQ or any Club Official as a result of any error.  In all cases the decision of the RQ Handicapping Panel will be final.

10.Divided Conditioned Racing

  1. If required divided conditioned racing may be used within a race program.
  2. Horses may be nominated for an open race code with nominations to be split at the discretion of the RQ Handicapping Panel who will frame the race conditions and barrier draw to best suit those nominated.  The aim of this method of selection is to achieve even and competitive racing. 
  3. Where possible the Handicapping Panel may attempt to split nominations into similar class groups however this cannot always be guaranteed due to the variety of classes that may be received for this type of program. 
  4. Pursuant to Rule 133 (1) & (2) every effort will be made to meet the above conditions, however the inclusion of any horse over another shall not be grounds for requesting a redraw, nor shall any liability of any nature be incurred by RQ as a result of any error.  In all cases the decision of the RQ Handicapping Panel will be final.

11.Discretionary Handicaps

  1. All discretionary handicaps are selected at the discretion of the RQ Handicapping Panel based on the Manual Field selection policy however considering the last 10 starts and previous standing start form in addition to the standard criteria.  A horse may be re-handicapped by the RQ Handicapping Panel after a subsequent winning performance if deemed necessary.

12.Rating Handicaps

  1. Standing start racing with handicaps based on Rating in an Automatic Handicap Race will operate at 10 metres per 5 rating point increments eg. NR50 FT, NR55 10m etc. unless otherwise stated in race conditions.  Mares and drivers concessions may be claimed if stipulated in race conditions.  


  1. If a horse accepts for two or more races at a meeting, a trainer may notify the RQ Handicapping Panel of a preference for one race over another. Trainers are encouraged to use preferences to avoid the disappointment of missing a start.
  2. Horses are always considered in the first instance for the race entered as their 1st preference however Handicappers have the right to use discretion to place horses in a race other than their first preference in special circumstances. 
  3. A horse will be considered for subsequent preferences should they receive a ballot from their preferred event.
  4. Preferences for horses nominated for multiple races on HarnessWeb will be determined by the time and order entered.  For example, a nomination lodged at 7.30am on a particular day will be considered as first preference over a nomination lodged at 7.35am that day for the same horse.
  5. Should acceptances for more than one race meeting close on the same day and trainers wish to start their horse at both meetings, if circumstances allow, the trainer must indicate their intentions to RQ Handicapping staff otherwise the nominated horse/s will be considered for one start only.  If no contact is made Handicappers will use their discretion whether to include in the second start.  The Handicappers decision will be final and binding. 
  6. Trainers are encouraged to communicate any requests to RQ Handicapping staff prior to the 10.00am deadline when nominations close to avoid any disappointment.  Requests can be phoned in, indicated by email or preferably noted on the “Nomination Comment” section in HarnessWeb. Trainers are encouraged to use the HarnessWeb comment field as often as necessary.

Examples of requests include:

  1. Two starters or none
  2. No more than two starters per race
  3. Early race please
  4. I have nominated six horses but can only transport four, so four starters maximum please.
  5. First preference
  6. All communication with RQ Handicappers regarding the race meeting being drawn that day will cease at 10am unless trainers have been notified that nominations have been extended.  Trainers are requested NOT to call and ask whether their horse is likely to gain a start.  If enough preferences or nomination comments are left there should be no need to call, this practice only disrupts and delays the completion of race fields and other day to day responsibilities.

14.Race Splits / Allocation

  1. Where a race is being split to allow for the maximum number of races budgeted per meeting to be conducted, Handicappers will use discretion to determine the best method of splitting such race.  Options considered:
  1. Standard Race Split
    1. Owners
    2. Trainers
    3. Drivers
  2. Divided by sex
  3. Field Selection Points
  4. Prizemoney won in last 3 to 6 starts
  5. Top division of advertised value and bottom division of lower value
  6. Manual race split (Handicappers discretion)
    1. Any decision on how or if to divide a race will be based on the following criteria:
  1. Maximize wagering turnover
  2. Number of acceptors for the race
  3. Quality of acceptors
  4. Available stake distribution
  5. Impacts on other races or subsequent meetings
  6. Number of available races to be conducted at the race meeting
    1. The following criteria will be considered in determining whether a programmed race should go ahead or be deleted:
  1. Maximize wagering turnover
  2. Number of acceptors for the race
  3. Number of acceptors for other races
  4. Quality of acceptors
  5. Alternate racing opportunities
  6. Available stake distribution
  7. Impacts on other races or subsequent meetings
  8. Number of available races to be conducted at the race meeting
    1. RQ Handicappers may at their discretion combine any race in an effort to achieve a race field or maintain a maximum amount of races at a race meeting.  Handicappers will only combine races if deemed viable to do so.  In all cases the Handicappers decision is final.

15.Race Programs

  1. Individual races are programmed with conditions designed to best equalize the chances of the horses in the race.
  2. Concession Claims

Within advertised race programs each race will have indicated whether concession claims are available on that race.  The below codes display the status of concession claims on each race.

  1. DC = Driver claim available
  2. MC = Mare claim available
  3. NDC = NO driver claim available
  4. NMC = NO mare claim available
  5. 3YO Concession available


  1. As changes are sometimes made to race programs, trainers should always refer to the latest edition of Pace Magazine, however the most up to date programs are available at the “Meeting Calendar” under the “Racing” tab of the Harness Racing Australia (HRA) website and on HarnessWeb.

16.RQ Stakemoney Schedule



Saturday (Open)


Saturday (Open – divided condition)


Saturday (Metropolitan-Band)


Saturday (Career)


Tuesday (Tier 1)


Wednesday & Thursday (Tier 1)


Wednesday & Thursday (Tier 2)


Friday (Tier 1)


Grass Venue (TAB)


Marburg (TAB)




  1. The RQ Stakemoney schedule above displays the race stake after the 1% animal welfare levy has been deducted.  These amounts apply for standard races only. Stakemoney may vary depending on funding arrangements, sponsor or club contribution or for feature races.

17.Field Limits

Albion Park (Except when emergency is drawn)

  • All 2YO (MS & SS) = 10 starters.
  • 3YO+ 1660m (MS) = 10 starters.
  • 3YO+ 2138m or longer (MS) = 12 starters.
  • 3YO+ all distances (SS) = 12 starters.
  • 3YO+ Feature races all distances (SS) = 14 starters.


Redcliffe (Except when emergency is drawn)

  • All 2YO (MS & SS) = 9 starters.

  • 3YO+ 1780m (MS) = 9 starters.

  • 3YO+ 2040m or longer (MS) = 10 starters.

  • 3YO+ all distances (SS) = 12 starters.



  • All 2YO (MS & SS) = 9 starters.

  • 3YO+ all distances (MS) = 9 starters.

  • 3YO+ all distances (SS) = 10 starters.


Grass Track or other thoroughbred venues

  • All 2YO (MS & SS) = 8 starters.

  • 3YO+ all distances (MS) = 9 starters.

  • 3YO+ all distances (SS) = 10 starters.


  1. Should a race meeting be conducted at any other venue other than those indicated above the maximum number of approved starters and starting configuration will be determined by QRIC Stewards and RQ Officials.
  2. The above field limits apply unless otherwise approved by QRIC Stewards and RQ.
  3. Each track will have the following starting configuration from the particular start type:


Maximum starters on front row




Albion Park












18.Seeded Preferential Barrier Draws

Mobile start races

  • In mobile start races at:

(a)          Albion Park, the allocation of barriers are seeded in the following sequence:

–             1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 6, 10, 7, 11, 12 and 13.

(b)          Redcliffe, the allocation of barriers are seeded in the following sequence:

               –             1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 5, 6, 10 and 11.

(c)          Marburg the allocation of barriers are seeded in the following sequence:

               –             1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 4 and 5.

(d)          Grass Track venues, the allocation of barriers are NOT seeded and are drawn in the following sequence:

               –             1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Standing start races:

  • In standing start races, seeded barrier draws do not apply.

19.Barrier Draw Types

  1. The below barrier draw types are the most commonly used barrier draw selection methods used in Queensland:

RBD                            Random Barrier Draw  

PBD/NR                      Preferential Barrier Draw on National Rating

DBD                            Discretionary Barrier Draw

PBD/CLAIM                Preferential Barrier Draw on Claiming Price

PBD/$L3                    Preferential Barrier Draw on earnings in last 3 starts

PBD/$L4                    Preferential Barrier Draw on earnings in last 4 starts

PBD/$L5                    Preferential Barrier Draw on earnings in last 5 starts

PBD/$L6                    Preferential Barrier Draw on earnings in last 6 starts

PBD/$TS                    Preferential Barrier Draw on earnings this season

PBD/$LS                    Preferential Barrier Draw on earnings last season

PBD/$L                      Preferential Barrier Draw on lifetime earnings

PBD/FSP                    Preferential Barrier Draw on Field Selection Points

PBD/AGE                   Preferential Barrier Draw on Age

PBD/SEX                   Preferential Barrier Draw on Sex

PBD/LTW                  Preferential Barrier Draw on Lifetime Wins

PBD/WOE                 Preferential Barrier Draw on Win Only Earnings

20.Reductions in Class (Not Applicable after 1/07/2019)

  1. Due to the implementation of the National Rating Handicapping system reductions in class are no longer applicable.  (Includes local Band classes)


  1. Mobile start – Horses cannot be re-handicapped by RQ Handicappers
  2. Standing start – Horses can only be re-handicapped by RQ Handicappers in Discretionary Handicap events and not in conditioned handicaps or races where handicaps are based on class or prizemoney.


  1. If at any time a race field is released with an error consideration may be given for a re-draw if deemed viable.  Any decision regarding re-drawing a race will be made in accordance with the Australian Rules of Harness Racing and participants will be notified accordingly.


  1. In feature races of $20,000 or more an emergency will be drawn should there be sufficient acceptors.  An emergency will not be drawn for feature races of less than $20,000 unless otherwise approved by the Controlling Body.
  2. A horse that is engaged as an emergency for the Final of a race may be granted a start in another race on the same day.  If there is a scratching from the Final, such horse is required to contest the Final and will be scratched without penalty from the other race.  Should such horse scratch from the Final, it will be deemed ineligible for the other race.
  3. A horse that is engaged as an emergency in a feature race of higher stakemoney may be granted a start in a race of lesser stakemoney at the same meeting.  If there is a scratching from the feature race, such horse is required to contest the feature race and will be scratched without penalty from the other race.  Should such horse scratch from the feature race, it will be deemed ineligible for the other race.
  4. A horse that is declared as an emergency in two or more heats/divisions of a race shall be deemed as a starter in the heat/division from which the earliest timed scratching was taken.  Such horse shall then be automatically scratched from the other heat(s)/division(s).  The trainer of such horse may not scratch from one heat(s)/division(s) in preference to another heat/division.
  5. Horses which are drawn as emergencies may also be drawn in another race on the same program or on another day.  For purposes of field selection, the horse will not be considered as having an unfulfilled engagement unless it has already gained a start in the event which it was drawn as an emergency.

24.Claiming Races

  1. A horse may be nominated for a Claiming Race within the price range indicated in the race conditions.
  2. Claiming prices indicated for each horse are inclusive of GST.
  3. Claiming Prices for all mobile start events may only be in increments of $500 (i.e. $4, 000 or $4, 500).
  4. Unless stipulated in the race conditions, in standing start claiming races claiming prices may only be in increments of $1,000.  Horses are then handicapped 10 metres for each $1,000 that their claiming price exceeds the front of the race.
  5. To be eligible to nominate for a claiming race an Authority to Nominate in a Claiming Race form must be completed stating the name of the horse, minimum claiming price and the expiry date for the claim authority.  ALL owners must sign the form to be valid. This form must be lodged with the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC).
  6. The claiming price of a horse may be increased (from the most recently lodged claiming authority form) by the trainer in writing, via HarnessWeb nomination or on the official nomination form, but may only be decreased (from the most recently lodged claiming authority form) by the owner/s on an official claiming authority form.
  7. Except with the approval of QRIC Stewards, the claiming price for a horse may not be altered after the advertised close of acceptances, even when the nominations are extended.
  8. Any horse nominated for a claiming race can only accept for one claiming race per calendar day.
  9. Nominations for Claiming races shall be bound by all requirements of Clauses 4.22 to 4.27 relating to nominations.
  10. A horse can be purchased or claimed at the nominated claiming price by fully completing a Claim Form, signed by all new owners and lodging with payment to Racing Queensland or Acceptance Office at the race track no later than 15 minutes prior to the advertised start time of the claiming race.  The name of the person collecting the horse must also be indicated on this form for the claim to be valid.
  11. Payment for any claim must be by bank cheque or direct deposit only.  For direct transfers please contact RQ for full details regarding direct deposit payments however it is requested if possible to organize the direct deposit on the day prior to the race so RQ can confirm the transferred money has reached the RQ bank account.  Payment lodged at a National Bank branch to the RQ bank account may show up on our records immediately the transaction is processed.  Internet transfers may not show as reaching our bank account for a period of up to 2 days.  Any claim may not be valid if it cannot be proven whether the deposit has reached the RQ bank account.
  12. If multiple claims have been lodged for the same horse Stewards will request a representative from each party to be present for a random ballot to determine the successful claimant.
  13. Should a claim be deemed unsuccessful upon ballot RQ will return the deposited funds to the claimant as soon as possible. Bank cheques will be handed back to the claimant on the date of the race as RQ will not bank the cheques.
  14. In or with respect to a claiming race a person shall not claim directly or indirectly a horse owned, trained or driven by that person.
  15. A horse claimed from a claiming race will be scratched from any other claiming race for which nominations have closed or acceptances have been taken, and therefore are ineligible to be claimed.
  16. A horse claimed from a claiming event which is also engaged in an upcoming non claiming event or standard race may be permitted to start if the new trainer indicates their intention to do so.
  17. For 30 days after claiming, a horse is ineligible to start in a race for the owner or trainer who had the horse at time of claiming unless it is reclaimed out of another claiming race.
  18. For full details on all rules relating to claiming races please refer to Australian Harness Racing Rules 72 to 77.

25.Heat and Final Conditions

  1. A race may be conducted as Heats, Semi-Finals and a Final, and may have a Consolation/s in conjunction therewith provided that:
  1. The winners of the Heats, Semi-Finals, Final and Consolation/s shall incur Penalties in accordance with the Australian Handicapping Regulations.
  2. The Penalties for a win in a Heat and Semi-Final shall not apply in the Final or Consolation/s of the Event.
  3. The Penalties provided by these Regulations for a win in a Heat and/or Semi-Final shall apply in any race other than the Final or Consolation/s of the Event.
    1. The number of horses which will qualify from each Heat / Semi Final shall depend upon the number of Heats / Semi-Finals conducted.  In the event that horses finish in the same qualifying position, the fastest individual overall time recorded in the heats will determine the qualifiers for the Final / Consolation.
    2. Except where qualifiers are determined by a point score, horses that have already qualified for the Final shall be ineligible to contest further heats.
    3. Should any qualified horse be unable to take its place in the Final / Consolation, RQ Handicappers may select at their discretion a replacement from the next best placed horse with the fastest overall time in the Heats / Semi-Final becoming the qualifier, except where the qualifiers are determined by point score.  (If two or more horses finish with equal mile rates a ballot will be performed by RQ Handicappers).
    4. Should a horse not be able to take its place in a Heat or Prelude and is scratched from such heat it will be deemed ineligible to contest the Final.
    5. Horses that qualify for a Final / Consolation, shall be deemed automatic acceptors for such Final / Consolation and shall be liable for any penalties if scratched.
    6. Any horse which qualifies in a Heat, Repechage or Semi-Final and is scratched from that Final before acceptance time will incur the penalties as described in Point 27.
    7. In the event of any Heat or Semi-Final being abandoned the conduct of the final is to be at the discretion of RQ Officials. If it is decided to conduct the final RQ Handicappers shall select the final field based on point score order at acceptance time for the abandoned race (or manually based on form at acceptance time for the abandoned race for finals valued at $11,000 or higher) from the Final Acceptors of such Heat / Semi-Final, and such horses shall be deemed as a qualifier for the Final / Consolation. Notwithstanding that the conduct of such Final is to be at the discretion of RQ.
    8. The same Barrier Draw conditions applicable to the Heats / Semi-Finals shall also apply to the Final / Consolation and not take into account winning performances during the Heats / Semi-Finals.
    9. In the event of a Series where the winners progress to the Final and the Heats fall short for the number required for the Final, the remaining qualifier/s will be determined by RQ Handicappers based on horses finishing in the most forward position/s in the Heats.
    10. PRELUDE - If there are insufficient acceptors to conduct multiple Heats and/or Semi-Finals with the approval of the Controlling Body a Prelude may be conducted.  Horses that win a “Prelude” remain eligible for the Final and its Barrier Draw will be determined at time of the “Acceptances for the Prelude”. If a prelude is conducted trainers will be asked to RE-NOMINATE horses for the Final.  If advised that a single Heat will be conducted all starters in the Heat are automatic acceptors for the Final. 
    11. For clarity should the word “Prelude” be used horses must be re-nominated for the Final with preference in field selection to horses which contested the Prelude.  Should a single “Heat” be conducted all horses which contest the Heat will be the only horses eligible to contest the Final. 
    12. Should a horse be scratched from a Prelude with trainers requiring to renominate their horse/s for the Final each horse may be nominated to race in the Final and may be included should it meet qualifying conditions or in the case of the QBRED feature races its position in the Final will be determined by the QBRED ranking order.                      
    13. In the event of Heats and/or Semi-Finals being conducted the RQ Handicappers will draw up the Final and a Consolation (if required).
    14. TOP ALLEY SERIES – From Heats conducted finalists are determined by their finishing position and individual times with the number of qualifiers from each race being determined by the amount of heats conducted.  A representative of each qualifier is required to choose their own barrier draw on course for the Final on the day the Heats are conducted.  The order of barrier selection is as follows:
      • First (Fastest)
      • First (Slowest)
      • Second (Fastest)
      • Second (Slowest)
      • Third (Fastest)
      • Third (Slowest) ……and so on!

The barrier draw will be conducted by Club representatives in consultation with QRIC Stewards and RQ Officials.

  1. Selection for Heats - If Ballots Are Required

(except for QBRED, Futurity or Sales Funded events)

  1. Horses that have already qualified for the Final shall be ineligible to contest further heats, unless otherwise specified in race conditions.
  2. Horses that have unfulfilled engagements (except for Heats with Finals where total prizemoney is in excess of $12,000) shall be the second ballot unless otherwise specified in race conditions.
  3. Horses with the lowest race field selection points (except for heats with finals in excess of $12,000 where fields are to be selected manually) are to be the final ballots.
    1. A Consolation of any Final can only be conducted when the event attracts sufficient acceptors for three (3) heats or more of eight (8) or more acceptors.
    2. Finals shall carry prizemoney of a minimum of 50% more than the value of the Heat.  Consolations, when conducted shall carry a minimum of 10% more prizemoney than the value of the heat unless otherwise approved by the Controlling Body.
    3. Futurity or Sales Funded events are exempt from these conditions.
    4. The specified conditions of a race where the Heats are conducted in one State and the Final in another State must be approved by the Controlling Body of each of the States concerned.
    5. Any horse that wins after acceptance time will remain eligible to fulfil its engagement.
    6. Any horse that wins after acceptance will retain its barrier and handicap mark with the exception of Discretionary Handicap Events which will be left at the Handicappers discretion as to whether the horse should be re-handicapped.
    7. In the event of a horse being ‘out of the barrier draw’ for the Heat / Semi-Final / Prelude, but being eligible for inclusion in the barrier draw for the final should it begin in a satisfactory manner in the Heat / Semi-Final / Prelude, the draw for the Final will re-include the horse in the draw.
    8. In the event of a horse being made ‘out of the barrier draw’ in the Heat / Semi-Final / Prelude, the draw for the Final will exclude the horse in the draw.
    9. If a driver concession is claimed in a Heat / Semi-Final / Prelude it must also be claimed in the Final, and should a horse not claim a driver concession in the Heat / Semi-Final / Prelude then no concession may be claimed in the Final.
    10. Should a feature race or Final be postponed for whatever reason any decision in regard to the conduct of the race will be determined by RQ, considering all options.  Any decision will be final and binding on all parties.

26.Driver Declarations

  1. A confirmed driver engagement must be notified to RQ no later than the time specified beneath the individual race program in PACE Magazine or on the Harness Racing Australia website.  (Refer table below).  If a driver is not notified by the specified time a fine may apply.


Driver declarations close**

Tuesday (D)

Monday, 9.00am

Wednesday (N)

Tuesday, 9.00am

Thursday (D)

Wednesday, 9.00am

Friday (D or N)

Thursday, 9:00am

Saturday (Non TAB)

Thursday, 9:00am

Saturday (N)

Thursday, 9:00am

Sunday (D)

Friday, 9:00am

Monday (D or N)

Friday, 9:00am

**Time and days may vary due to Public Holidays.

  1. Driver changes required after the notified scratching time can be made under special circumstances but must be approved by QRIC Stewards.  The driver must be replaced by a driver of a similar standard or licence type unless otherwise approved by QRIC Stewards.  For example:
    1. Concession Driver - must be replaced by another Concession Driver
    2. A Grade Driver cannot be replaced by a B Grade Driver.
    3. B Grade Driver cannot be replaced by an A Grade Driver.
  2. Penalties will apply for late driver changes without a valid reason.


  1. Any horse scratched after the release of fields shall be subject to a scratching fee of $44 (GST inclusive) if the horse does not race within a 13-day period of the scratching date unless the horse was scratched for reasons deemed acceptable by QRIC Stewards. 
  2. Horses scratched will be stood down for 13 days to commence from the date the horse was engaged to race unless suitable veterinary clearance has been received by QRIC Stewards clearing the horse to race.
  3. If a veterinary clearance is issued subsequent to scratching clearing the horse to race, the minimum period for a horse to be stood down from racing shall be reduced to 6 days. In other words, should a trainer provide a veterinary certificate which is approved by QRIC Stewards the horse may be cleared to race no sooner than the same day the following week.  (Veterinary certificates of clearance can be forwarded to Racing Queensland however must be approved by QRIC Stewards for approval prior to the bar being reduced)
  4. A scratching fee will not be imposed if a veterinary certificate of clearance is accepted during the 13-day embargo.
  5. A scratching fee will not be imposed if the horse does not race within a 28-day period from the date of the scratching engagement.
  6. A veterinary certificate of clearance will not be required if the horse does not race within that 13-day period unless otherwise directed by QRIC Stewards.
  7. A scratching deadline of 8:30am applies on the day of the race meeting, emergencies will be withdrawn at this time if there has been no scratching’s in the race. 
  8. Trainers of an emergency that gains a start will be contacted to advise their horse has gained a start.
  9. Scratching’s should be relayed by phone on the Scratching Hotline 1800 331 308 or 07 3869 9774 or 0422 236 284. When scratching a horse, the trainer must clearly identify the following:
    1. Trainers name
  1. Trainers Licence Number
  2. Meeting Details
  3. Horses Name
  4. Reason for Scratching
    1. If a horse is withdrawn from a claiming race for veterinary reasons, at the time of its withdrawal or as soon as practical thereafter a veterinary certificate stating the condition or injury, and/or any treatment or administration of medications which prevented it from starting.  Failure to provide such veterinary evidence may deem the horse ineligible for its next race start.  (Veterinary certificates will be forwarded to QRIC Stewards for approval)
    2. A horse engaged as an emergency can be scratched penalty free prior to 8.30am on the morning of the meeting.  Should this horse engaged as an emergency also be engaged in another race on the same program such horse can only start in the other race should it fail to gain a start in the race in which it was declared as an emergency.
    3. Should a horse be scratched for veterinary reasons and also be engaged to race in another upcoming event such horse shall be automatically scratched from that upcoming event.
    4. Horses scratched due to a float breakdown will be stood down indefinitely pending documentation being provided to QRIC Stewards as proof of breakdown.  Once provided and approved by QRIC Stewards the bar applied to the horse or horses will be lifted.
    5. A horse that is declared to run in a race prior to accepting for a feature event to the value of $15,000 or more may scratch without penalty from the first engagement if declared to run in the upcoming feature event.
    6. If a horse gains a start in a race it is the responsibility of the trainer to withdraw such horse from subsequent nominations before acceptance time if he/she does not want such horse to gain another start.
    7. If after acceptance time a horse is scratched due to a change of ownership or trainer, such horse, upon notification of such transfer may be scratched both fee and penalty free.
    8. A horse which is a starter in a race and is re-handicapped in a discretionary handicap following a win in another race may scratch without penalty by contacting the RQ Harness Racing Office prior to 8.30 a.m. on race morning.
    9. On a race day where the forecast maximum temperature for the race meeting venue is determined by the Bureau of Meteorology to exceed thirty-eight degrees Celsius (38ºC), the trainer of a horse engaged at that meeting may scratch the horse free of penalty prior to 8.30am on the day of the meeting. Scratching’s effected after 8.30am on race day will attract the normal scratching penalty. Such applications may only be made on the day of the race.  (Please refer to the Racing in Hot Weather Policy for full details).

28.Racing in Hot Weather - Policy

  1. This policy is in place to protect the welfare of horses and participants and to minimize adverse effects on horses racing in hot weather at all tracks under the jurisdiction of Racing Queensland.


This policy applies to all barrier trial and race days where the forecast, or current temperature is thirty-five degrees Celsius (35°C) or above.

  • On a race day where the forecast maximum temperature for the race meeting venue is determined by the Bureau of Meteorology of the meeting is to exceed thirty-eight degrees Celsius (38°C), the trainer of a horse engaged at that meeting may scratch the horse free of penalty prior to 8.30am on the day of the meeting.  Scratching effected after 8.30am on race day may attract the normal scratching penalty.  Such applications may only be made on the day of the race.
  • In the event that the forecast temperature, determined by the Bureau of Meteorology, for a race day is to exceed thirty-eight degrees Celsius (38°C), Stewards in consultation with a Veterinarian will consider whether to proceed, or modify the programme for that race meeting.
  • It will be the responsibility of the Chairman of Stewards acting at any race meeting to obtain the forecast conditions for any particular meeting.
  • A horse may be withdrawn for heat stress (Appendix 1) on arrival at the track by order of QRIC Stewards, in consultation with the on course Veterinarian and the Trainer or the Trainer’s representative.  Any penalty incurred would be at the discretion of QRIC Stewards acting on the advice of the Veterinarian.
  • Any horse, displaying adverse effects of the heat shall, at the request of a Trainer be inspected by the on course Veterinarian.
  • Horses may not be required to parade and identification procedures may be conducted in the stalls.
  • The on course Veterinarian must endeavour to inspect all horses after the completion of the preliminary and prior to the start of any race.
  • Horses retained for post-race sampling should be allowed to cool off with hosing and walking prior to sample collection.  Horses shall only be retained in the swab stall for a period at the discretion of the on course Veterinarian and/or QRIC Stewards.
  • Race Clubs are to ensure adequate wash bays and hoses are available to enable rapid post-race cooling of horses.
  • Race Clubs to ensure adequate drinking water for horses is available, horses should be allowed to drink as much fresh, clean water of ambient temperature as they require after racing.
  • Race Club officials should provide large bins at the wash bays that are continually stocked with ice to aid in the cooling of horses.  Scrapers and large sponges should also be made available.
  • The principles of evaporative cooling should be adapted by all trainers.  Evaporative cooling, particularly sweating, is the most important means of dissipation of body heat from exercising horses.  Repeated cycles of hosing (and the application of ice water), scraping and walking in a shaded, breezy area will enhance this process and assist in reducing a horse’s core body temperature.
  • Trainers or their representative, whom have any concerns regarding their horse’s condition, post-race, should immediately notify QRIC Stewards or the on course Veterinarian directly.
  • Horses determined to be suffering from heat stress will be given preference to air conditioned swab stalls.  Appropriate veterinary treatment will also be given to any horse suffering from heat stress.
  • Horses should be allowed adequate time to recover prior to being transported back to their stables.

The ongoing conduct of the race meeting shall at all times be subject to monitoring of conditions (ambient temperature, humidity and air movement) by QRIC Stewards in consultation with the Veterinarian to ensure that the welfare of horses is protected.

Appendix 1: Heat Stress

Heat stress is occasionally seen in horses after racing in hot weather (most likely on days when the ambient temperature exceeds 35°C).  In general, Standardbreds race over relatively short distances and the amount of heat generated and body water lost is minimal compared to other endurance horses.

Heat stress after exercise is most likely to occur on days when both the ambient temperature and relative humidity are high and when wind speeds on air movement is low.

Horses cool themselves efficiently by evaporative cooling.  As sweat and water molecules evaporate from the skin these molecules absorb and remove heat causing the horse to cool.  When the ambient temperature and humidity are both high, the rate of transfer of heat from the horse’s body is slowed and cooling is delayed, thus increasing the risk of heat stress.

Signs of heat stress include:

  • rapid shallow breathing (panting)
  • flared nostrils
  • congested mucous membranes
  • synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (Thumps)
  • staggering gait/weakness
  • agitated and distressed appearance
  • irrational behaviour such as lashing out with hind limbs
  • occasional collapse

The following factors can adversely affect the hydration status of a horse and therefore its ability to cope with racing in hot weather:

  • traveling long distances to the racecourse
  • an excitable temperament
  • heaving sweating
  • younger horses may be less acclimatised to heat
  • withholding of water or the administration of diuretics prior to racing

Treatment of heat stress may involve:

  • enhancing evaporative cooling by repeating the cycle of applying cold water (hosing and ice water), scraping and walking in a shaded, breezy area.
  • Administration of anti-inflammatory medication (dexamethasone or hydrocortisone).
  • Intravenous or oral fluid therapy.


  1. 29.1. Driver Concession

    Available on races advertised ‘DC’ (Driver Concession):

    (a)     Concession Driver with 0 to 100 lifetime wins = 5 Rating Point concession.

    (b)    Concession Driver with 101 to 250 lifetime winners = 3 Rating Point concession.

    (c)     Concession Term – 7 years from date of first attaining a B-Grade driver’s license.

    (d)    251 lifetime winners = claim outdriven.

    (e)     Metropolitan Concession claim available for 50 wins at a Metropolitan meeting or of a Metropolitan race.

    All wins count as a win, regardless whether a claim has been used or not. 

    A dead heat for the first placing shall not count as a win.

    If an A Grade licenced Concession Driver has driven more than 250 winners for the term and has driven less than 50 metropolitan winners for that term, they shall be eligible to take a claim at Metropolitan meetings (all Saturday night races regardless of value) until such time as their six-year term has expired or they have driven 50 metropolitan winners.

    Once a driver has outdriven their 250 wins allowable for the term, such driver will no longer be permitted to use a driver claim in any race for the remainder of their concession driver term.

    Once a concession driver has outdriven their claim such driver must be replaced on all upcoming engagements where a claim has been used except for later races on the same meeting in which they had outdriven their claim.

    Five point claiming drivers must also be replaced on upcoming engagements where a claim has been used except for later races on the same meeting in which they had outdriven their claim once they have exceeded their 100 wins. However, any drives where claims were used that gained a three point or less advantage may be retained.

  2. 29.2. Mares Concession

    Available on races advertised ‘MC’ (Mare Concession):

    (a)     Mares Concession = 5 points.

  3. 29.3. Age Concession

    Available on all races unless stated in race conditions:

    (a)     2YO Concession = 10 points.

    (b)    3YO Concession = 8 points.

    (c)     4YO Concession = 8 points (to June 30).

    (d)    4YO Concession = 4 points (from July 1 to December 31).

  4. 29.4. Trotters Concession

    Available on all races unless stated in race conditions:

    (a)     Trotters in Pacers race = 20 points.

30.Driver Suspensions

  1. In the event of a driver being suspended from driving in races for a period, such person may be permitted, upon application, to fulfil any drives for which they have been engaged for any race meeting which has been drawn and published.
  2. It is the suspended driver’s responsibility to notify affected trainers if he/she cannot take the drive due to suspension.
  3. A suspended driver may be eligible to drive in Qualifying and Official Trials, unless otherwise directed by QRIC Stewards.
  4. Should the driver lodge an appeal the driver may only be placed on drives if a stay of proceedings was granted prior to driver declaration time or otherwise at the direction of QRIC Stewards.

31.Drivers Fees

  1. For all races at TAB meetings, the driver’s fee is $75.
  2. For all races at Non-TAB meetings, the driver’s fee is $25.
  3. Effective January 1 2017 Drivers Superannuation was introduced. To allow superannuation to be paid to drivers and to reflect the responsibility of owners to pay the driver a three transaction process was re-introduced for the distribution of Driving Fees: (a) Prizemoney of $60 or $25 paid to owner to offset the cost of the driving fee, (b) Owner invoiced $60 or $25, (c) Driver paid $60 or $25.
  4. Note owners are responsible for paying GST to a GST registered driver. For a GST registered driver the owner may be out of pocket up to $6.00 for each drive. (GST registered driver paid $66.00 or $27.50)

32.Horses that have raced overseas

  1. Any owner or trainer considering purchasing and/or importing a horse from overseas is advised to contact the RQ Handicapping Panel before purchasing/importing the horse.  This will enable the horse’s official handicapping assessment to be determined before committing to the purchase/importation.


  1. Any alteration to gear for a horse with an upcoming racing engagement must be notified in writing or via HarnessWeb prior to Driver Notification time (Refer to 26.1) for such meeting as advertised in the PACE Magazine.
  2. Gear changes notified after Driver Notification time must be approved by QRIC Stewards.
  3. Should a horse be presented to race with gear other than what has been notified a penalty may apply.
  4. Horses nominated to race with no gear form submitted will be deemed ineligible to race until such gear form has been presented.
  5. Cornell Collar – QRIC Stewards require a horse to trial with a Cornell Collar prior to approving this addition in gear. The on course veterinarian will inspect the application of the gear to ensure it has been fitted correctly.
  6. Hind spreader – QRIC Stewards require a horse to trial with a hind spreader prior to approving this addition in gear.
  7. Gear adjustments are to be made wherever possible before a horse enters the racetrack.
  8. Trainers are reminded that the Clerks of the Course are only there to assist drivers whilst they make gear adjustments, and are not responsible for the application, or addition, of any gear to a horse.  It is the responsibility of the trainer and/or driver to ensure the gear is properly fitted and secured.
  9. Tongue Ties should be secured and spares carried by the driver.  Tongue Ties will not be provided by officials at the start.
  10. QRIC Stewards may order when deemed necessary the attachment of mudguards and splash sheets for rain affected surfaces.


  1. It is the trainers responsibility to have each horses brand clearly visible for identification purposes by keeping the area surrounding the brand clipped.   
  2. If a horse is presented to race or trial with a brand that is not clearly visible QRIC Stewards may order that the brand is clipped at the track for a fee of $100.
  3. If any brand is not clearly visible or identifiable QRIC Stewards may order the horse be scratched from its engagement.

35.Change of Tactics

  1. The connections of a horse intending to adopt tactics contrary to the horse’s usual racing pattern are no longer required to notify QRIC Stewards.  QRIC Stewards may question any driver if tactics adopted may have affected a horses best possible finishing position.

36.Dual Runners

  1. QRIC Stewards will discuss tactic information with any trainer that has more than one starter engaged in any one race prior to that commitment on race day.
  2. Such tactic information is for QRIC Stewards information only and is not required to be broadcast.

37.Racing Colours

  1. Trainers are required to notify the RQ Racing Office which set of colours are to be used on multiple stable runners by driver declaration time (Refer Point 26.1), as printed in the PACE Magazine.  
  2. Colour changes are encouraged be made on HarnessWeb.
  3. Colours will be placed on multiple stable runners at the discretion of RQ Handicappers if no contact is made.  At this time club colours or driver colours may be allocated.  Penalties may apply for changes to colours after the deadline.
  4. Should a second set of colours for an owner or trainer be required the other set must be of clear difference to the main set.
  5. Club colours cannot be used in trials or pre-race warm-ups.
  6. A $20 fee will apply if advertised race colours are not available or colours other than what is advertised is worn.
  7. A $20 fee may be applicable for the use of club colours.

38.Re-Inclusion into the Barrier Draw


  1. For a horse to be considered for re-inclusion into the barrier draw from ODM (outside draw mobile) or ODS (outside draw stands) status, the horse is required to either trial at an Official Qualifying Trial or race on two consecutive occasions to the satisfaction of the QRIC Stewards, or a combination of both. 
  2. If a horse incurs RODM or RODS (right outside draw) status, two satisfactory and consecutive trials or race starts or a combination of both must be completed to the satisfaction of QRIC Stewards before the horse will be reclassified to an ODM or ODS status.  An RODM or RODS embargo will only be modified by QRIC Stewards after receiving application from connections.  The horse will then be required to trial or race satisfactorily on a further two consecutive occasions as per the stipulations listed for an ODM or ODS horse.  Both trials/races cannot be completed on the same day. 
  3. Trainers can only apply to have their horse re-included into the barrier draw at the races or trials and must sign the appropriate documentation prior to re-inclusion.  Applications for re-inclusion into the barrier draw may only be approved by QRIC Stewards.  Applications by phone will NOT be accepted.
  4. To be deemed a satisfactory start:
    1. Mobile Start - A horse must score up satisfactorily and be in its correct barrier position at the candy pole and until the starting point, then negotiate the first 200 metres without breaking gait or rhythm.
    2. Standing Start - A horse must not delay the start through being fractious.  It must begin satisfactorily in its correct gait and then negotiate the first 200 metres without breaking gait or rhythm.
  5. A horse may be retired from an official trial at completion of 200 metres beyond the start point and still meet the requirements considered for re-inclusion in the barrier draw. 

39.Trainers Absence

  1. When a trainer is unable to be in attendance at a race meeting where a horse trained by them is competing, a trainers authority form must be completed in accordance with Rule 119A (1) and handed to QRIC Stewards at the race meeting.
  2. Failure to complete this requirement may result in action being taken under Rule 119A (3)
  3. These forms are available from QRIC Stewards and the Acceptance Office at each race club.

40.Sectional Times Policy

  1. Effective July 1, 2012, the total time recorded for the completion of any half mile from the 1600m – 800m, or from the 1200m – 400m must be rated within the following timeframes.




Metro #

Weather *

Weather *



Albion Park

64 secs

66 secs

64 secs

65 secs

67 secs

65 secs

67 secs

Gold Coast

64 secs

66 secs

64 secs

65 secs

67 secs

65 secs

67 secs


65 secs

67 secs

65 secs

66 secs

68 secs

66 secs

68 secs

#    2yo’s are exempt from sectional times in any 2YO ONLY race except in 2YO races conducted at a Metropolitan meeting.

*        Weather is inclement weather where the Stewards have ordered the use of mud guards/splash sheets in races.

Note:  In the case of Graduation Penalty bearing races ONLY, a one (1) second increase in the standard sectional time allowance is to apply.

  1. Failure to comply with Sectional Times is to be actioned by QRIC Stewards under Rule 162 (1) (y).  The following penalties are to apply on the first occasion for failure to comply:
  1. $100 up to one (1) second above the time as described in Clause 33.1
  2. $150 between one (1) and two (2) seconds above the time as described in Clause 33.1
  3. $200 between two (2) and three (3) seconds above the time as described in Clause 33.1
  4. At QRIC Stewards discretion if in excess of three (3) seconds above the time as described in Clause 33.
    1. Failure to comply with Sectional Times on multiple occasions within one (1) month of the previous offence is to incur the following additional penalties:
  1. 2nd offence, as stipulated in Clause 29.2, plus $100
  2. 3rd offence, as stipulated in Clause 29.2, plus $200
  3. 4th offence at QRIC Stewards discretion
    1. Drivers are reminded Rule 162 (1) (u) & (x) deals with reducing speed and excessively slow pace.  QRIC Stewards may at times deem a driver in breach of this rule regardless of what section of the race the said excessively slow pace is run.

41.Whips (To be updated)

  1. Relevant Rules and QRIC Stewards Interpretation

AHRR 156 (2) states:

“A driver shall only apply the whip in a flicking motion whilst holding a rein in each hand with the tip of the whip pointed forward in an action which does not engage the shoulder.”

QRIC Stewards Interpretation includes but is not limited to:

Drivers must maintain a rein in either hand at all times when applying the whip.

Once a driver’s forearm is not pointing forward Stewards will deem the tip of

  1. A driver shall only use an approved whip in accordance with Rule 156(A)
  2. A driver shall hold a rein in each hand at all times unless adjusting approved gear or driving in the final 200 metres of a race.  Penalties apply for crossing the reins and applying the whip with a free hand prior to the 200 metre point.
  3. A driver shall not use a whip excessively.  Examples of excessive whip use include:
    1. If the tip of the whip is drawn back further than the drivers shoulder
    2. If the whip action involves more than a wrist or elbow action
    3. If the reins are lengthened so as to result in loose reining
    4. If the whip is used other than in a flicking motion.
    5. Penalties associated with Excessive Whip offences
    6. Borderline – caution
    7. First offence - $200 suspended for 56 days dependent upon compliance of the rule within the 56 day period.
    8. Second offence within 56 day period - $400 plus $200 from previously suspended first offence.
    9. Further breaches of Rule 156 (3) (b) may result in suspension of drivers licence.


  1. The whip is only to be used in a manner outlined by the above techniques and only to encourage the animal.  Severe penalties may apply for any animal welfare issues.
  2. Carriage

i)          Drivers are not permitted to carry the whip over their shoulder.  A whip may only be carried in a forward position or under the drivers’ armpit.

42.False Starts

  1. Drivers are advised that unless there is clear evidence of gear breaking during the score-up, a driver will not be permitted to use a gear malfunction as an excuse to alert the Starter.  Failure of adjustable gear does not constitute a false start.  Evidence of any broken gear must be verified by the Starter or the Stewards.  Penalties may apply for unacceptable excuses. 
  2. Should the same horse cause a false start on two separate occasions, it will be withdrawn from the race.

43.Walk Up Starts

  1. In the event that the mobile barrier malfunctioned, or the conditions are too wet for it to gain traction, walk-up starts may be considered however the decision whether walk up starts are an option is at the discretion of QRIC Stewards.

44.Delaying the Start

  1. Drivers are reminded of their obligations to have their mounts ready when called up for a start.  Any unnecessary delays will not be tolerated and penalties may apply.

45.Pre-Race Warm Ups

  1. Pre-Race warm ups are only permitted 12 minutes prior to the race a horse is engaged in.
  2. A trainer must make application to QRIC Stewards for a Pre-Race Warm Up which includes the provision of a veterinary certificate outlining any ailments the horse may have which may provide reason for such warm up. 
  3. Similarly should a trainer no longer wish to present his horse in a Pre Race Warm Up a veterinary certificate must be provided to QRIC Stewards outlining the reason why the warm up is no longer required.

46.Abandoned Race Meetings

  1. For any race meeting abandoned for whatever reason trainers and connections of the horses engaged will be notified by text message as soon as practicable after a decision has been made to abandon the race meeting.
  2. When a race meeting has been abandoned more than four (4) hours prior to the advertised start time for Race One no compensation payments are applicable.
  3. When a race meeting has been abandoned less than four (4) hours prior to the advertised start time for Race One at a race meeting a $50 compensation payment per horse or minimum of $100 will be forwarded to trainers in the next payment run.  Each driver engaged will receive a single drivers fee.
  4. When a race meeting has been abandoned after the commencement of the race meeting a compensation payment of $50 per horse will be paid to each trainer relating to horses who failed to gain the opportunity to race.  Each driver will receive a driving fee for each driving engagement at the meeting. 

47.Guidelines for Horses Experiencing Cardiac Arrhythmia Post-Race or Trial

  1. A horse experiencing cardiac arrhythmia during a post-race or post-trial examination shall not start in any race or trial until the QRIC Stewards have received a satisfactory veterinary report. The report must include the results of an ECG performed at rest and cardiac auscultation performed within 30 minutes of completing a satisfactory piece of work of at least 1609 m. Prior to starting in any race, the horse must then perform to the satisfaction of the QRIC Stewards in an official trial of not less than 1609m.
  2. A horse experiencing cardiac arrhythmia during a post-race or post-trial examination, for a second time within a 12 month period, must be subject to examination by a veterinarian with specialist qualifications in equine internal medicine or veterinary cardiology, prior to it starting in any race or trial. The examination should include echocardiography (cardiac ultrasonography), electrocardiography (ECG) at rest and at exercise and any other examination that the examining veterinarian requests. Prior to starting in any race, and pending QRIC Stewards receiving a satisfactory veterinary report from the specialist examination, such horses must trial to the satisfaction of QRIC Stewards in an official trial of at least 1609 metres and have a satisfactory veterinary report from the race day veterinarian. The veterinary report from the race day veterinarian must include the results of cardiac auscultation within 30 minutes of completion of the official trial.
  3. A horse experiencing cardiac arrhythmia during a post-race or post-trial examination, for a third time, will be ineligible to race or trial unless otherwise determined by QRIC Stewards.

48.Notification of Condition and Treatment of a Horse

  1. In accordance with Rule 188 (A) (4) “Notification of Condition and Treatment” forms are available for horses treated within the preceding seven (7) days and require a trainer to notify:
  1. The horse’s condition for which it was treated;
  2. Treatment administered;
  3. The date of the last administration of treatment;
  4. Person who administered the last treatment.
    1. This notification must be submitted to QRIC Stewards or the Official Veterinary Surgeon no later than 1 hour prior to the scheduled starting time of the race.
    2. Australian Harness Racing Rule 190B requires trainers to maintain a log book:
  1. listing all therapeutic substances in his or her possession.
  2. recording all details of treatment administered to a horse in his or her possession.
    1. To ensure compliance a trainer may be required to produce such log book for inspection.  This log book must be up to date. 

49.One Nostril Bleed

  1. A horse that shows evidence of blood in one nostril will be stood down for one trial, no veterinary certificate is required.

50.Bleeding Attack

  1. A horse which suffers a bleeding attack from both nostrils will be automatically stood down for three (3) at its first offence for such attack.  The horse will also be stood down to trial and a veterinary certificate of fitness will be required before trialling.  A horse cannot trial until the three (3) month stand down period has elapsed.
  2. A horse which suffers a second bleeding attack will be banned for life in accordance with the Australian Rules of Harness Racing.

51.Molasses & Additives

  1. Effective 1 September 2013 molasses and additives are not permitted on course at race day.  Penalties may apply for any breach.
  2. Any additives purchased from the on course horse equipment supplier must be kept in the supplied yellow bag with the invoice stapled to the bag and taken directly out to your transportation vehicle.
  3. Molasses can be purchased on course at the Acceptance Office for approximately $3 per bottle.  This molasses is permitted to be used only at the race meeting from which it was purchased.
  4. Molasses may be used both before and after a horse has raced.
  5. Trainers are not permitted to bring their own molasses to the track.

52.Licencing (To include updated policy at a later date)

53.Dress Standards

  1. Licensed persons are reminded that they are expected to maintain an appropriate level of attire at all times whilst attending race meetings regardless of whether they have a horse engaged to race.  This includes suitable footwear, which provides safe and adequate protection.
  2. Failure to adhere to these requirements may lead to action being taken by QRIC Stewards.
  3. The Dress Regulations for licencees are as follows:


  • A collared shirt, long trousers, dress jeans, or tailored shorts (socks must be worn with shorts).

Shorts shall NOT be worn at meetings held on Friday and Saturday nights.

  • Trainers and stablehands must wear enclosed shoes in acceptable condition (socks must be worn).
  • Drivers shall wear boots which may be black or dark tan and which entirely cover feet and ankles and afford reasonable protection in accordance with AHR Rule 159A (4).


  • Modest blouse, dresses or skirts of a respectable length.
  • Trousers, dress jeans, or tailored shorts (socks must be worn with shorts).
  • Trainers and stablehands must wear enclosed shoes in an acceptable condition.
  • Drivers shall wear boots which may be black or dark tan and which entirely cover feet and ankles and afford reasonable protection in accordance with AHR Rule 159A (4).

The following attire is deemed UNACCEPTABLE:

  • Singlets and T-shirts.
  • Beach attire, board shorts or football shorts.
  • Tracksuit pants or overalls.
  • Ragged, unclean or torn clothing.
  • Clothing with offensive slogans.
  • Thongs, sandals, ugg boots or footwear of an unacceptable standard.

Trainers, stablehands and drivers (other than when in their racing attire) are required to comply with this policy.



Licencees that fail to adhere to the requirements of this policy may be denied access to restricted areas as deemed by RQ, and/or be penalised under AHR Rule 238.

54.Stabling Area

  1. Admission to the stabling areas at each track is restricted to officials, staff, participating licencees and accredited owners accompanied by a trainer.
  2. Licencees are reminded that they are required to display their licence when requested for approval to enter the restricted area. 
  3. Security staff will remove or refuse entry to any unauthorised person(s) in the area.
  4. Children under the age of 14 are not permitted in the stabling area as per Queensland Government restrictions regarding children in the workplace.  Parents may be directed to remove their children by Club staff or security personnel if found in the stabling area.
  5. Smoking and alcohol are prohibited in the stabling area.

55.Harness Racing Contacts

Racing Queensland Racecourse Rd, Deagon QLD 4017

PO Box 63, Sandgate QLD 4017

Ph: (07) 3869 9777 (Reception)



  • Brett Rail

Ph: (07) 3869 9774 or 0422 236 284




  • Andrew Whitehead (Senior Handicapper)

Ph: (07) 3869 9794

Fax: (07) 3269 6715


  • Joshua Moore (Handicapper)

Ph: (07) 3869 9768



Administration Officer

  • Maria Bale

Ph: (07) 3869 9771



Acceptance Offices

Albion Park

  • Amanda Rail

Ph/Fax: (07) 3262 2577




  • Francine / Kay

Ph: (07) 3284 4550

Fax: (07) 3283 2380



Scratching Hotline

Ph: 1800 331 308


All information is current as at 1 July 2020.  Any changes are to be communicated in the Racing Queensland PACE Magazine, on the national website (, the Racing Queensland website ( and to registered users of the RQ SMS service.