In a national first, every Australian state will combine next month for the GAP National Adoption Day with Sky Racing signing on as a naming rights sponsor.

The Greyhound Adoption Programs in Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania and Greyhounds as Pets in Western Australia and New South Wales, will each host an adoption day on April 29 as part of a nation-wide push to boost awareness of greyhounds as pets.

Theatre star, radio host and TV personality Todd McKenney has signed on to be the official ambassador for the National Adoption Day.

McKenney, who has two pet greyhounds of his own, said he had fallen in love with the breed since learning about greyhound adoption from a friend.

“They are such a beautiful breed and often misunderstood. People’s perception of a greyhound and the reality of what a greyhound is actually like as a pet can often be two different things,” McKenney said.

“They’re lazy, they’re loving and they run like the wind – it’s amazing to watch. But they are just really relaxed dogs. They are chilled out, I love that energy around me, they’re just slow, lazy and gorgeous.”
Queensland’s National Adoption days will be held in two locations – The Brisbane Greyhound Racing Club, Amy Street Albion from 9am until 1pm, and in Townsville from 10am-2pm at Yapper Valley Pet Resort, Woodstock.

Queensland Racing Integrity Commissioner Ross Barnett said the Sky Racing National Adoption Day was the perfect opportunity to highlight QRIC’s animal welfare priorities.

“The QRIC Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) re-homes retired greyhounds with families all around Queensland,” Mr Barnett said.

"We work with the Queensland Greyhound Racing industry to fulfil their animal welfare obligations under the Rules of Racing and this is a great opportunity to unite with racing governing bodies all over Australia to deliver the first ever National Greyhound Adoption Day."

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