Country and Regional Works Program Update

13 April 2018

DVN Link Installation

Negotiations are continuing with Telstra for their undertaking of the headworks for the digital video network (DVN) link to Capalaba Greyhound and Cairns Jockey Club. RQ and Telstra are expected to enter into an agreement for the works in the coming weeks, with the ancillary works associated with the DVN link being scoped and tendered by RQ. Telstra have advised of a likely 3-month timeframe to undertake their works.

Lightning Protection

Scoping documents for the lightning protection for stewards towers at Rockhampton Jockey Club, Dalby & Northern Downs Jockey Club, Toowoomba Turf Club, Warwick Turf Club, Albion Park Harness & Greyhound Club, Mackay Turf Club, Townsville Turf Club and Sunshine Coast Turf Club have been completed. It is scheduled that the tender will soon be called. The package of works consists of the design, construction and final certification of lightning protection for the towers at the nominated Clubs.

Beaudesert Race Club

Scoping documents for the Jockey and Steward facility upgrade have been completed. It is scheduled that the tender will be called in the coming week. Works consist of the extension and renovation of existing facilities.

Surat Diggers Race Club

RQ is in the process of purchasing the transportable buildings to enable the jockey and stewards facility to be replaced. In addition, RQ is preparing for the minor works tender including alternations and the construction of a new covered deck to link the two buildings.

Kilcoy Race Club

Works at the Kilcoy Race Club for the irrigation upgrade have been completed. Works included the installation of a new irrigation ring main around the track together with a connection to the local water treatment facility and storage dam.

Redcliffe Track Works;

Trials of the rubberised bitumen base have been successful and scoping and pricing are being undertaken to analyse viability of the full application. 

Track Readiness Program;

The supply of additional machinery into the Capricornia and Leichardt regions has seen great benefit to the Mackay and Townsville racecourses. Mackay was supplied with a Vertidrain and mower to assist with maintenance practices and Mackay, Townsville and Rockhampton now share a sand spreader to assist with top dressing maintenance.

Mackay Water;

Discussions are continuing to secure additional water for the Club’s use. While the club has been successful in negotiating short term leases, most usage rights holders are reluctant to sell their holdings. Discussions have been undertaken with the club to attempt to purchase small long term usage rights off a number of usage rights holders.

Track Inspections:

Racing Queensland is continuing to inspect tracks and facilities across the three codes in Queensland with 80% now completed. It is hoped that all clubs will be completed by the end of FY18.