Racing Queensland introduces weekly stakes payments for harness

25 May 2018

Harness participants will be the benefit of a new Racing Queensland initiative that will see stakes paid weekly from the end of May.

The weekly payment cycle will begin on Wednesday, May 30, with most participants to continue receiving their payments on a Thursday.

Racing Queensland Harness Development Strategy Manager David Brick said cash flow was vital to many trainers and drivers.

“It is hoped the introduction of weekly payments will assist in the day-to-day operations of harness participants, allowing them to spend more time with their horses and less time balancing the books,” Mr Brick said.

The change was implemented following input from Queensland’s Breeders Owners Trainers and Reinspersons Association (BOTRA) and feedback from participants.

BOTRA President Dan Costello said the move would bring harness racing in line with the other codes.

“BOTRA is pleased to have worked with Racing Queensland to introduce this initiative and assist participants with managing their day-to-day business operations,” he said.

“It is hoped this help increase cash-flow for participants to help with occurring weekly expenses.”