Beaudesert RC - Monday 1 October

QRIC stewards today (Sunday) conducted an inspection of the racing surface at Beaudesert RC in advance of the club’s race meeting tomorrow, Monday 1 October.


The track was rated a Heavy 8 at 3:30pm  With a clear forecast for the next 24 hours & if no rain ensues, it is envisaged that the surface’s rating may improve.


RQ was also represented at the inspection.


Ipswich TC - Tuesday 2 October

Further to communications received from the track curator at Ipswich Turf Club, RQ confirms that (following 15mm of overnight rain) the track was rated as a Soft 7 at 3:00pm today, Sunday, in advance of the club’s (rescheduled) race meeting on Tuesday 2 October. 


With a clear forecast for the next 48 hours & if no rain ensues, it is envisaged that the surface’s rating may improve.


Whilst an inspection of the track was not deemed necessary today, an inspection will take place tomorrow (Monday) afternoon (@circa 3:00pm) & industry will be provided with an update post that process taking place.


RQ will also be represented at Monday’s inspection.