Greyhound Program Update for Rockhampton and Bundaberg

8 January 2019

Racing Queensland advises stakeholders of greyhound program amendments at Rockhampton and Bundaberg in January 2019.


The program for Wednesday 16 January was not published in the Chase magazine. RQ advises that the following races will be programmed:

  • Maiden 407m
  • Novice 407m
  • Pathways 5th Grade 407m
  • Best 8 407m
  • 5th Grade 510m
  • Graded Races As Required


RQ in conjunction with the Bundaberg Greyhound Racing Club advises an Australia Day Cup series will be held in January for 4th and 5th grade greyhounds over 460m.

The heats will be on 19 January and the final will be on 26 January. 

Updated programs can be viewed on the RQ website here.

Nominations for these race meetings will close as per the usual grading schedule. 

For further information please contact Racing Queensland on 07 3869 9407.