The annual Maxwelton RC Cup non-Tab race meeting on Saturday 6 April 2019 has been rescheduled to be conducted by the Mount Isa RC.


Following the recent north west Queensland flooding, the Maxwelton race club is not in a position to conduct the meeting which features a heat of the 2019 Outback Racing Showcase Series.


The rescheduled Mount Isa race meeting will be exactly the same program/prizemoney as previously advertised for the Maxwelton race meeting. 


MOUNT ISA RC (non-Tab) – Saturday 6 April 2019


“The Maxi”/Outback Racing Showcase Heat Open Hcp                            1200m                   $12,000

Benchmark 65 Hcp                                                                                           900m                    $9,000

QTIS Benchmark 50 Hcp                                                                                1200m                   $9,000 plus QTIS

Class B Hcp                                                                                                          900m                    $9,000

Maiden Plate (2yo & up sw)                                                                         1000m                   $9,000


Nominations for the rescheduled Mount Isa meeting close at 11.00am on Tuesday 2 April 2019.