Minimum Bet Limit for harness & greyhound codes
Racing Queensland will introduce a Minimum Bet Limit tomorrow (1/7) for the harness and greyhound codes for all off-course Wagering Service Providers.
Having adopted an MBL for thoroughbreds at the beginning of last year, the measure will now apply to the other codes following recent industry engagement with WSPs, stakeholders and other Principal Racing Authorities.
As a result, off-course WSPs will now be required to accept a fixed odds bet at odds that are publicly displayed, up to $500 on any harness or greyhound race, as set out in clause 10.1 of RQ’s General Conditions.
For thoroughbreds, the maximum amounts vary depending on the turnover of the wagering operator and the type of race (e.g. metropolitan or non-metropolitan).
Minimum Bet Limits apply:
- To all Queensland races;
- To fixed odd best (i.e. win, place and each way bets for a thoroughbred race, or win bets for a harness or greyhound race);
- From one hour prior to the scheduled start time of the opening race of the harness meeting;
- From one hour prior to the schedule start time of the opening race of the greyhound meeting;
- From 9am (AEST) on the day of the thoroughbred race, for a race meeting commencing prior to 5:30pm; and
- From 2pm (AEST) on the day of the thoroughbred race, for a race meeting commencing after 5:30pm.
Off-course WSPs are not required to comply with MBL requirements if one of the exclusions in the General Conditions applies at the time of the bet.
Click here to see further information on RQ’s Minimum Bet Limits.