miRunners Snitzel filly named ahead of trial next week

20 September 2019

The first ever affordable Snitzel filly, named by hundreds of miRunners owners, ahead of early 2YO trial next week

2.jpgWith the tally of new owners with miRunners climbing over 3,000, miRunners passes another milestone naming its seventh thoroughbred in the groundbreaking premium ownership model, made affordable.

An all consuming Spring is now unfolding for miRunners owners and it is only just beginning! Shezawitness delivered the first miRunners win and next week Zoushack heads to the Moonee Valley night meeting preceding grand final day. Now the first ever Snitzel filly to be offered in the affordable premium ownership model, Snitzel X Typing, was named today ahead of her impending trial this Monday.

Trainer Chris Munce has his eyes set on the early 2YO races so it had to be a quick turn around to name the Snitzel X Typing filly. Naming nominations for this filly kicked off just three weeks ago, and with the help of a smart team at Racing Australia this filly will go to trial on Monday 23 September with her racing name.

As part of the miRunners ownership model naming suggestions are opened to the public and just like previous miRunners horses, this filly had hundreds of name suggestions. Steven Brown, miRunners CEO says “It is so incredible to have so many people being a part of this process. We have owners in this filly nominating names, miRunners owners in other horses nominating names and members of the public who just love racing entering names.” 

Owner privileges are maintained though, with only owners in the horse allowed to cast a vote on the final name. And in that vote the owners of the Snitzel X Typing filly chose Northern Thunder from a shortlist of thirty Racing Australia approved names. In the first part as a nod to her being in Queensland, which is in the North of Australia, and then more revealing, in the nature of the miRunners ownership experience the noise her owners will likely make when she races down the straight.

This forward Snitzel X Typing filly is the first horse to be named in partnership with Racing Queensland, and Racing Queensland are thrilled with the name and what this means for racing and thoroughbred ownership in Queensland. 

Racing Queensland CEO Brendan Parnell said:

“This first horse highlights the important marketing partnership between Racing Queensland and miRunners. Northern Thunder will race in maroon colours, has a real Sunshine State name and is trained in Queensland - what a great treble for Queensland racing.”

Northern Thunder is by Australia’s champion sire in Snitzel, and this filly is the first by Snitzel to be offered in an affordable ownership model. Arrowfield's John Messara puts this into context when he says, "The Cox Plate, Golden Slipper, Tj Smith, Oakleigh Plate - these are races that owners dream about winning and Snitzel can make those dreams come true - his sons and daughters have already won them all"

There are still ownership units available in Northern Thunder, as she begins her journey towards the Magic Millions 2020. Units are available for just $330 + $15/month ($5 per month for any subsequent units purchased). Buy a unit in Northern Thunder and the other Queensland miRunners horses HERE.

Find out more about miRunners HERE.