RQ pays homage to volunteers

5 December 2019

Racing Queensland has thrown its support behind International Volunteers Day in the lead up to the holiday season.

Across the state, 7852 volunteers contribute to the Queensland racing industry, providing their time and expertise to sustain the three codes.

More than half of these are directly involved with participants, while close to 3500 volunteer for the 129 racing clubs across Queensland.

 “Volunteers are the lifeblood of any sport including racing,” RQ General Manager Club Partnerships and Assets Melinda Martin said.

“The spirit of volunteerism provides a tangible way for many participants to feel connected with their communities and to make a contribution to the towns and cities where they work, live and play.

“As an organisation, we’re extremely grateful for the cross-section of volunteers who sustain our industry from Texas to Cooktown and everywhere in between.”  

Socially, volunteering is recognised as a means of enhancing the quality of life, particularly among seniors, whilst making an important contribution to the community.

Volunteers in the Queensland racing industry assume a variety of roles including:

Promotions and fundraising (e.g. Fashions on the Field, decorating, event management etc);

  • Photo finish, timing, clerk of the course;
  • Barrier attendants, starters and judging, betting supervisors;
  • Preparing and maintaining the track and grounds;
  • Administration and finance duties;
  • Gate ticket sellers and parking attendants;
  • Operating food and beverage outlets;
  • Racing operations (parking, gate attendants etc);
  • Fundraising;
  • Cleaning duties;
  • Repairs, maintenance of facilities and gardening;
  • Photographers and social media operators; and
  • Operating racing museums.

Racing Queensland thanks each and every one of the industry’s 7852 volunteers for their service.