GCBF applications now open

4 February 2020

The latest round of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund has opened with Racing Queensland encouraging eligible clubs to submit their applications.

Not-for-profit clubs can apply for a grant of $500 to $35,000 to enhance their capacity in providing services, leisure activities and opportunities for participants.

The funding is administered through the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation.

“Since November 2018, the GCBF has provided more than $1.4 million in grants and awards to racing clubs across the state,” RQ General Manager Club Partnerships and Assets Melinda Martin said.

“Activities include the delivery of day yards for the Mareeba Turf Club, the installation of a storage shed for the Surat Diggers Race Club and the construction of a disability accessible amenities block for the Texas Jockey Club. 

“We encourage all eligible clubs to consider submitting an application through the GCBF portal.”

The GCBF has implemented the following priorities – in order - for this round of funding:

  • Items/facilities directly affected, damaged or destroyed by a declared natural disaster in the last two years;
  • Equipment or facility improvements;
  • Buses, cars, caravans, boats, tractors, trailers, large mowers, motorbikes and similar items;
  • Community events, training, workshops, festivals, publications and website development and
  • Organisations that have received more than $15,000 from the GCBF over the past two years.

Applications close at 11.59pm on February 29, 2020.

Click here to apply for the GCBF and to read the application guidelines.