Claiming races removed from harness programs

25 March 2020

Racing Queensland has made the decision to remove claiming races from harness racing programs from this Sunday.

The decision has been made due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, which limit race meeting attendances and have necessitated RQ staff to work remotely with limited payment options.

To maintain options for claiming horses, Racing Queensland will program non-claiming races only for horses that have a current ‘claiming authority’ lodged as at March 25.

Any claiming authorities loaded after March 25 will not be recognised for eligibility purposes.

As a result, the final claiming races that will be conducted until further notice will be staged at Albion Park on Friday, March 27 and Saturday, March 28.

Presently, direct deposit is the only method of payment being accepted for meetings on March 27 and March 28.

If you are considering a claim, please contact Brett Rail on (07) 3869 9774 or 0422 236 284 as soon as possible to secure bank details.

Advanced notice is required in order for RQ to verify the funds are in the nominated bank account to determine if the claim is valid.