RQ advises patron-free racing

16 March 2020

Racing Queensland has advised that all TAB and non-TAB meetings across the state will be conducted without patrons until further notice.

Following the Federal Government’s advice that all non-essential, organised gatherings of more than 500 people be cancelled to manage the spread of COVID-19, RQ has confirmed that all future meetings – along with trials and trackwork  – will be limited to key race-day personnel.

Access will be permitted to licenced participants who have a horse or greyhound engaged at the meeting, along with essential club, QRIC and RQ staff; broadcast services; approved accredited media; and associated staff required to conduct racing activities including veterinarians and ambulance services. 

Access will not be permitted to the general public in any code, nor owners or on-course wagering providers.

“We are experiencing a unique and complex situation which requires Racing Queensland to adopt a uniform approach,” RQ CEO Brendan Parnell said.

“The health and safety of our 40,000 participants, including those who are employed in the industry, remains our top-priority and we will continue to work with our clubs, QRIC and participants to navigate this period.

“We are mindful of the carnivals we have on the horizon - and the impact that this decision may have on our clubs – but it is important that we restrict on-course access in the short-term to limit the potential spread of COVID-19 and the potential impact to our industry.”

Additionally, access will not be permitted to any key race-day personnel in Queensland that:

  • Is suffering from COVID-19 symptoms or is otherwise unwell;
  • Has been to a country considered at higher risk of COVID-19 in the past 14 days;
  • Is subject to self-isolation requirements imposed by the Government; or
  • Has been in close contact with a person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19.