RQ statement on COVID-19

13 March 2020

Racing Queensland has confirmed that race meetings across the state will proceed this weekend as scheduled including access to the public.

Earlier today, the Federal Government advised that all non-essential, organised gatherings of more than 500 people would be restricted from Monday, March 16 as part of a staged response to manage the spread of COVID-19 in Australia.

In line with the Federal Government’s advice, meetings will proceed as programmed including tomorrow’s $1.6 million QTIS Jewel Raceday at the Gold Coast Turf Club.

Over the weekend, RQ will continue to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the state’s racing industry and will continue to consult and communicate with its stakeholders as relevant information materialises.

A scheduled meeting on Monday with South East Queensland’s major thoroughbred clubs will proceed as planned with COVID-19 among the agenda items.

In the meantime, RQ reminds all stakeholders to ensure they are aware of the latest information from Queensland Health to protect themselves - and others - from transmission of the virus including appropriate hygiene measures.

Click here for the latest information from Queensland Health on COVID-19 including how to protect yourself and others and FAQs.