Developing a COVIDSafe plan

15 May 2020

With the Federal Government announcing its three-step framework for a COVIDSafe Australia, the requirement for clubs to commence planning their future racing and non-racing activities is timely.

Across Australia, restrictions will be eased gradually with a phased implementation plan targeting July, but each state and territory will decide on its own timing.

As restrictions begin to ease, clubs must still abide by the biosecurity measures mandated by Racing Queensland, including patron-free racing, until advised otherwise.

Phase one of the Queensland Government’s roadmap to easing restrictions – click here to see it – commences on Friday, May 15 at 11.59pm.

Key steps for phase one include:

  • Dining in at restaurants, pubs, clubs, RSLs and cafes for a maximum of 10 patrons at one time as part of a gradual re-opening (no bars or gaming); and
  • Recreational travel of a radius of up to 150km from your home for day trips.

For Outback Queensland, where there have been no COVID-19 cases, two special concessions have been made:

  • Dining in at pubs and cafes will be up to 20 for locals only, reflecting the important role these venues play in connecting small outback communities; and
  • Recreational travel of a radius of up to 500 kilometres reflecting the long distances in the outback.

RQ strongly encourages clubs to review the information available and to assess their racing and non-racing activities in readiness for future easing of restrictions, and the Federal Government has published a 14-page toolkit to assist with this.

Click here to see the toolkit.

It covers three key areas:

  • Keeping people safe;
  • Adapting the business; and
  • Accessing support and assistance.

Additionally, the Queensland Government has recently developed the following COVID Safe checklist – click here to see it - for dining at clubs to assist with the reopening process. 

Further updates will be provided as appropriate.

Other supporting information

For the three-step framework for CovidSafe Australia visit:

For the roadmap to a CovidSafe Australia visit: