Successful GCBF grants announced

6 August 2020

A number of Queensland racing clubs will benefit from more than $260,000 in capital improvements after receiving funding through the latest round of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund.

In total, 10 clubs will receive a total of $260,756.42 in grant funding to enhance their capacity in providing services, leisure activities and opportunities for participants.

The 10 successful projects are:

Bluff-Blackwater Amateur Race Club


Tractor purchase

Clermont Race Club


Spectators undercover area construction

Charters Towers Amateur Race Club


Jockey change room upgrade

Corfield Race Club


Materials to construct fashions on the field stage

Gladstone Turf Club 


Solar system installation

Herbert River Jockey Club


Grandstand seating upgrade

Kilcoy Race Club


Fans and air conditioning installation

Pentland Race Club


Skillion roof supply and installation

Stanthorpe Jockey Club


Spectator covered area construction

Warra Race Club


Coldroom replacement

Round 106 of the GCBF is currently open, and Racing Queensland encourages all eligible clubs to submit their applications.   

Applications close at 11.59pm on August 31, 2020.

Click here to apply for the GCBF and to read the application guidelines.