LR33 & LR36 Local Rule Changes
Racing Queensland has advised of amendments to its Local Rule (Thoroughbred) intended from September 30, 2020.
Following a meeting of the RQ Rules sub-committee, the proposed changes are:
LR.33. Certificate of tractability to be obtained
(i) Prior to a horse being permitted to start in a region a barrier certificate of tractability or an interstate clearance from the authority in whose region the horse last raced or was barrier tested must be obtained prior to the declaration of acceptances.
(ii) Prior to an unraced horse being permitted to start in a Metropolitan race, the horse must complete an official barrier trial to the satisfaction of Stewards prior to the declaration of acceptances.
LR.36. Nomination – Declaration of acceptance - scratching
(6) Where a horse is accepted for more than one race at the same Race Meeting, and provided that horse makes the field in more than one race, it must be scratched out of all but one of those races, irrespective of rating, weight, performance or qualification status prior to 5pm on the day of acceptance.
(7) Subject to s ubrule (9), where a horse makes the field for a race after 5pm on the day of acceptance, and it is already in the field for another race at the same Race Meeting, then it must be scratched out of all but one of those races, irrespective of rating, weight, performance or qualification status by:
(a) 5pm on the day it is confirmed to have made the field for both races; or
(b) The advertised scratching time, whichever is earlier.
(8) Where subrule (6) or subrule (7) is not complied with, the Stewards must scratch the horse from all but one race in which the horse has been accepted as determined in their sole discretion.
(9) Where a horse is declared an emergency runner in a feature race and is nominated as an acceptor in another race on the program, the horse must start in the feature race if a position is made available.
(10) For the purposes of this Rule, “feature race” means a race with advertised prize money (excluding bonuses) of at least $100,000.