Additional Races programmed Central West Region

6 July 2021

Following the cancellation (to weather) of non-Tab race meetings scheduled for Alpha RC and Barcaldine RC recently, additional races have been programmed for the Central West region in the coming weeks.


10/7/21              Ilfracombe RC                  QTIS Class 1 Hcp              1000m                $7,450 plus QTIS


17/7/21              Barcoo ARC                      Class 6 Plate (sw)            1200m                $7,450 


24/7/21              Longreach JC                    Rating Band 0-55 Hcp     1400m                $7,450


31/7/21              Tambo & DRC                  Benchmark 65 Hcp         1400m                $7,450


Check the RQ website for nomination closing dates for these race meetings.