NSW border zone changes
12 August 2021
Racing Queensland has made further revisions to its COVID-19 protocols.
Following’s today’s changes to the NSW border zone, RQ advises:
- Effectively immediately, racing industry participants from the NSW border zone are not permitted to attend a Queensland racing or training venue;
- Similarly, Queensland participants are not permitted to travel to race meetings in the NSW border zone;
- Horses/greyhounds from the NSW border zone are still permitted to be entered to race in Queensland, but must be transported by an approved commercial transport operator in accordance with the guidelines for transporting animals from declared COVID-19 hotspots, as prescribed in the respective Racing Code Protocols, except that the animal/s must be in Queensland by final scratching time on the day of the race meeting; and
- Private transportation of animal/s is not permitted.
Click here to review RQ’s latest COVID-19 protocols.