Drivers' colours update

25 October 2021

Racing Queensland recently wrote to the industry outlining the review process for the drivers' colours initiative which has been trialled since March.  

Included in this correspondence was the time frame for the completion of the trial (ie: end of October).

While the review continues (with further update to be provided to industry in due course), as per previous advice, from November 1 the allocation of colours worn by drivers will revert to the standard process of being assigned by trainers who can assign registered trainers, owners or drivers as they please.  

A reminder in races where a trainer has multiple runners, ‘clash colours’ are not permitted, and thus an alternate set of trainers' colours approved by RQ must be assigned or other alternative (eg: drivers' colours, club colours etc).

Colours must be assigned by the driver declaration time for each race meeting.

RQ would like to thank industry, including the drivers who partook in the promotion, for assisting with this initiative and we look forward to providing further details of the review once available.