QOTT calls for Acknowledged Re-trainer applicants
The Queensland Off-The-Track Program is seeking expressions of interest from people who currently re-train and rehome Thoroughbreds or Standardbreds and are interested in becoming a QOTT Acknowledged Re-trainer.
One of the key priority outcomes of the QOTT Program is to support a high-quality first transition for Thoroughbred and Standardbred horses, bred for the racing industry and domiciled in Queensland at the time of their retirement from racing or breeding activities.
To help achieve this, a network of Acknowledged Re-trainers who have the appropriate skill, experience, and track record in successfully rehoming Thoroughbred or Standardbred horses will be established.
Queensland Off-The-Track Board Chairperson Sharon Cowden said the establishment of an Acknowledged Re-trainers Program will form a crucial step in supporting the placement of retired racehorses into second careers and suitable, long-term homes.
“While many racehorses leave the track with a retirement plan already in place, for some horses the appropriate rehoming opportunity is not immediately obvious,” Ms Cowden said.
“Establishing positive retirement pathways via a network of Acknowledged Re-trainers will ensure retired racehorses are best placed for future success in their new homes.
“The Acknowledged Re-trainers Program will support and assist established re-trainers already operating in Queensland who do an exceptional job of re-training and rehoming retired racehorses.”
An Acknowledged Re-trainer will objectively assess the suitability and character of each horse, provide the necessary education and re-training to assist them with their transition to a second career as a pleasure, therapy or performance horse and rehome them accordingly.
Acknowledged Re-trainers will operate their businesses independently to the QOTT Program, but will be supported by a range of marketing, business and financial support options.
The QOTT Program is seeking applications from re-trainers who specialise in re-educating Thoroughbred or Standardbred horses direct from the racing industry, with proven ability to responsibly rehome horses at the end of the re-training process by matching prospective owners with a horse that is suitable for their experience level and intended use.
The Acknowledged Re-trainers Program follows the successful launch of the Subsidised Lessons Program in July, where new owners and riders of retired Thoroughbred and Standardbred horses receive instruction and tailored support from QOTT Approved Coaches across a range of areas including feeding and nutrition, general care, groundwork, behaviour and ridden components.
“The application process for Acknowledged Re-trainers is thorough and we want horses to have the best chance of finding their forever home, so we will also follow up with support from the Subsidised Lessons Program which covers the cost of lessons and helps retired racehorses and their new riders develop their skills together,” Ms Cowden said.
Applications to become an Acknowledged Re-trainer will close on Friday, October 29, 2021.
For further information, including about the application process and Acknowledged Re-trainer criteria, please email the team.