QLD Greyhound Calendar Changes

22 July 2022

Racing Queensland advises greyhound race calendar changes to take effect from August 1, 2022.

The Bundaberg Greyhound Racing Club will cease racing for approximately four months for track modification works to be undertaken. Next Monday’s July 25 2022 will meeting will be the final meeting before the commencement of works.

Local Bundaberg trainers disadvantaged by the cessation of racing will be supported by the Bundaberg Animal Care Assistance Fund. The Racing Queensland website has details on how to apply for funding.

The Bundaberg Monday afternoon timeslot will be filled by Ipswich for the duration of the project period. Nominations for Ipswich Monday meetings will close on Thursday mornings.

Additionally, the Rockhampton Greyhound Racing Club will pick up a new fortnightly race meeting on Friday afternoons in anticipation of increased nominations. Rockhampton and Townsville will alternate the Tuesday night and Wednesday night timeslots in order to accommodate the new Friday race meetings for Rockhampton. Nominations for the Rockhampton Friday meeting will close on Wednesday mornings.   

Finally, Capalaba will race fortnightly on Wednesdays from August 3, 2022, in order to balance out the racing schedule at thirteen race meetings per week. Nominations for Capalaba Wednesday meetings will close on Monday mornings.

August race programs can be viewed on the Racing Queensland website.

For more information, please contact Racing Queensland on 07 3869 9407.