Recent rainfall events have necessitated amendments to the race meetings scheduled for both the Cunnamulla & DDRC and the Talwood RC non-TAB race meetings on Saturday, August 13.

The Talwood RC racetrack has not recovered sufficiently from recent rain events and with rain forecast on both Friday and Saturday, the club have made the decision to abandon the race meeting. 

RQ will liaise with the Talwood RC in regards to finding a suitable replacement date for their annual race meeting.

Due to the abandonment, an Open Hcp (1640m - $10,000) has been added to the Roma TC non-TAB meeting on Saturday, August 20. 

Horses that were nominated for Talwood, may also still nominate for any Queensland race meeting where acceptances have not been declared.


Similarly, rain forecast for the Cunnamulla & DDRC race meeting has seen the race club proactively postpone the race meeting from Saturday, August 13 to Sunday, August 14. 

Recent rain events, together with the weather forecast, necessitated the postponement to afford every opportunity for the race meeting to be conducted.

Horses already accepted for the Cunnamulla meeting on Saturday, will be automatically accepted for the postponed race meeting on Sunday.  

Trainers not wishing to start on the Sunday will need to contact Racing Australia and cancel their acceptance. 

There will be no fees charged for any non-acceptors at this race meeting.