Dalby & Northern Downs Jockey Club – Saturday, September 17 – additional race programmed

12 September 2022

Racing Queensland confirms that an additional race has been included in the program for the Dalby & Northern Downs Jockey Club race meeting on Saturday, September 17.  It is:

  • Maiden Plate (Set Weights), 1400m, $21,000

Due to the large number of nominations for the Plough In Cup, an additional race has been added to the program. Please note the Plough Inn Cup will not be divided.

All nominations for the Plough Inn Cup will remain intact, with trainers required to nominate for the new race.

Horses already nominated for the Plough Inn Cup will be given preference in the additional race.

Nominations for this race only, close Wednesday, September 14, 9am.

No fees will be applicable for nominations already transacted in the Plough Inn Cup.

Please note the ballot order for the Plough Inn Cup is currently displayed on the Racing Australia website.