QTIS registration applications - 2021 foals

28 October 2022

Racing Queensland reminds those whose intention it is to lodge QTIS registration applications (for 2021 foals) of the midnight, Monday, October 31 deadline.

Those who have already submitted applications but have yet to receive confirmation of RQ’s receipt are assured that if they have been or are furnished with us prior to the prescribed deadline, they will be processed and confirmation will be provided shortly. 

If you have already lodged an application and have followed it up via phone or email, and you are yet to receive a response to that message, please note there has been an inordinate volume of enquiries received which are being worked through as best possible. 

If you are concerned that your application has not been received because the financial transaction (registration fee credit card deduction) has yet to be processed electronically, on the proviso that it has been/is lodged with RQ prior to Monday’s deadline, it will be processed as soon as is practicable and confirmation sent shortly thereafter.

RQ appreciates your cooperation and support in this regard.