Student to pursue racing career after Equine Industry Quickstart program

20 October 2022

The first success story of the Equine Industry Quickstart (IQ) program has been realised with Australian Industry Trade College (AITC) student Jenna Tetley commencing a school-based apprenticeship with Gold Coast trainer Adam Campton.

After completing a week of work experience with Campton recently whilst participating in the IQ program, Tetley decided to pursue a hands on career in a racing stable.

Now that relationship has been formalised with Tetley to commence a three-year school-based apprenticeship with Campton.

“I’m a big believer in supporting young people,” Campton said.

“Jenna proved to be a great staff member during her week with us so now we’re making it a permanent apprenticeship which is a win-win for everyone.

“We get an enthusiastic young apprentice who is excited about working in racing and Jenna gets a chance to further her skills and work in the industry.”

Tetley becomes the first student to graduate through to a formal apprenticeship from the new Equine Quickstart program, which was launched in May this year through a partnership between the Gold Coast Turf Club, AITC and Racing Queensland.

GCTC Chief Executive Officer Steve Lines said it was a proud moment for everyone who had been involved in getting the program up and running.

“This is a wonderful occasion for everyone that has played a role in launching this program,” Lines said.

“I’m sure Jenna will be the first of many success stories that emerge from the program as we look to expand it through to an industry based school in the years to come."

AITC Chief Executive Officer Mark Hands agreed with Lines' comments. 

“The pathway that Jenna is following is exactly what the AITC Equine Industry Quickstart program is designed to do," Hands said. 

“It gives young people a taste of various career opportunities available in the racing industry so that they can then decide which particular career to pursue whilst graduating senior schooling”

The IQ program has been designed to help guide young people into the racing industry while completing their senior schooling and open their eyes to the many different career opportunities that exist.




Upcoming Open Days

Come along to our upcoming Open Days to learn more about the Equine Industry:

Saturday, November 12

9.30am – 11.00am

Aquis Elysian Fields

3042 Beaudesert Nerang Rd, Boyland QLD 4275

The racing industry provides a breadth of career opportunities for young people and can take you close to home or as far away abroad as you wish.

The AITC has partnered with the Gold Coast Turf Club to develop a bespoke Equine Industry QuickStart (IQ) to run out of our Gold Coast Robina campus. The tailored program is designed to educate young people to become apprentices and trainees of the highest calibre, specifically for the equine industry.

You don’t have to choose between finishing school and starting your career. We are currently enrolling Year 10 and 11 students to start 2023 who are interested in gaining a head start in the racing industry while completing senior school.

Whether your interests lie with horses, working outdoors, pursuing a trade or administration; with an industry-driven education, the right training and unmatched immersion, the Equine IQ program is sure to deliver a head start.

Adam Campton Next Racing