Senior dog feeling festive for GAP Christmas Walk

17 November 2022

helen22.jpgFred the greyhound may be eight years old, but he’s still a racer at heart.

His new owner, Helen Gibson of Lutwyche, Brisbane, adopted Fred from the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) Queensland nine months ago, and will accompany him to the GAP Christmas Walk in the Park at New Farm Park this weekend.

Helen said that while Fred still loves zoomies, his senior citizen status fits in well with her lifestyle.

“He’s really chilled out – he still gets excited about things, but when it’s rest time he’s really chilled,” she said.

“It’s made training a bit easier because he’s not stimulated by everything he sees.

“Having a dog that requires a bit less exercise is good for me because I’ve had sports injuries and I can’t always walk him as far as I’d like to. On days when I can’t walk him a long way, I know that his needs are still being met.”

Helen said Fred’s personality is perfect for inner-city living.

“Greyhounds are a good option because they are quite lazy,” she said.

“They have the most beautiful temperament; I think they are the sensitive person’s dog.

“Neither of my parents was crazy about dogs, but when they’re around Fred, they love him. Greyhounds are very gentle, and they kind of meet the needs of the people around them.”

This Sunday, November 20, Helen and Fred will join greyhound owners from across Brisbane and Townsville in dressing up in their festive finery for the GAP Christmas Walk in the Park.

The free community walks, which will be held in New Farm Park, Brisbane and The Strand, Townsville are an opportunity for greyhound owners to connect.

“Fred ignores most other dogs, but when he sees greyhounds, he’s excited to meet them – his tail goes up and it’s wagging,” Helen said.

“I always think, maybe one of his siblings will be there. All the other greyhound owners I meet are lovely; there’s this understanding between greyhound owners.”

The walks are also a chance for people thinking about adopting or fostering a retired racing greyhound to meet GAP greyhounds and learn more about them.

GAP staff will be available at the event to take new registrations to adopt or foster in time for Christmas.

In addition to encouraging adoptions, the GAP is also urging people to consider hosting a GAP greyhound for Christmas.

Spending time in a foster home is a key part of the GAP’s process to ensure that greyhounds are ready to transition into a family environment when they are adopted.

Click here for more information.

Registrations are now open for the GAP Christmas Walk in the Park in Brisbane and Townsville.


Brisbane Walk


Townsville Walk