New 315m Start At Bundaberg To Be Tested
The recent renovation of the Bundaberg Greyhound track included the installation of a new 315m race start.
At the current point in time, the start has not been tested under race conditions and is not an approved race distance.
RQ advises that field trials will be conducted from the 315m start on Thursday March 30 with the intention of approving the start for racing.
The field trials on March 30 will be assessed by QRIC Stewards and supported by the presence of an on-course Veterinarian.
Pending approval of the 315m start as a race distance, programming of 315m races may commence as early as Monday April 10. No races over 315m will be drawn before this date.
RQ intends to stage the introduction of 315m race events with a limited number of races for specified grades each week.
The Bundaberg Greyhound Racing Club are also in the process of upgrading the kennel block to include two additional race bays in order to cater for 12 race programs in the future. The provision of 315m racing will be further assessed when the kennel block project is completed.
The trial session on Thursday March 30 will commence at 3pm. Trainers wishing to participate in the field trials should contact the Bundaberg Greyhound Racing Club on (07) 4152 2033.
RQ will advise the outcome of the trials and updated race programs on Friday March 31.