Flying Amy’s emerging superstar is never too far from his comfort zone

7 June 2023



Albion Park | Brisbane Greyhound Racing Club | 9:10 pm

TAB Flying Amy Classic (G2) F

Dundee Rebel
T: Rusty Dillon
T: Jason Thompson
T: Gregory Stella
Victa Marli runs to the line last Thursday.

By Pat McLeod

Even emerging greyhound superstars need their comfort zone and for Victa Damian that is wherever Rebecca Burns is.

It is also why for 18 of his 20 runs to date, Rebecca has never been far from the South Australian wunderkind.

On Thursday night as Damian attempts to continue his national tour of domination, in the Group 2 Flying Amy Classic Final over 520 metres at Albion Park, Rebecca will again be his handler.

In fact, as master trainer Tony Rasmussen returned to the family’s kennels at Gifford Hill, near Murray Bridge, after last Thursday night’s successful heats, he left niece Rebecca in care of the four-strong travelling team.

“Rebecca just seemed to click with Damian at some stage and it has just gone on from there. I think there is just two starts that she has not handled him,” Tony explains. 

“I have every faith in her, and her sister Alisha. Alisha has been with us for about eight years and Rebecca for about six and a half.

“They do a lot of work behind the scenes at home. In the past six to 12 months they have started to come to the track and box a few dogs and travel a bit.

“They have a horse-riding background, but are very good around dogs, all animals in fact."

He says he does not get nervous when he is away from the dogs.

"Rebecca just checks in every day to let me know how they are going. I just leave her alone. She knows what has to be done," he detailed. 

“In fact Lisa (Tony’s wife and prominent trainer) and I can leave our property for a two-week holiday and we will not have to worry because our property just keeps running. We have the same routine every day with the dogs.

“Since last Thursday night’s heats Rebecca has road walked them each day. They had the three runs in a row - the Angle Park (Group 3 Howard Ashton) Final, then they trialled on the Monday (at Albion Park) and then went into the Thursday heats.

“They didn't need a run anywhere.

“Rebecca said they are pulling on the lead madly trying to drag her down the road, so that is a good sign.”

The Rasmussens dominate the prestigious, $150,000-to-the-winner Flying Amy Final, filling three boxes with litter mates Victa Damian (box two), Victa Alby (box three) and Victa Marli (box eight).

The fourth member of the squad, Live It, finished fifth in the heats behind Umberto, one of Jason Thompson’s two Finalists.

Victa Damian, Tony Rasmussen and Rebecca Burns.
Victa Damian
Victa Alby
Victa Marli Next Racing
Victa Alby in action in last week's heat.

Tony doesn’t over-think big-race outcomes too much, which he says almost always come down to ’50 per cent good management and 50 per cent luck’. But, he also has plenty of confidence in the ‘best dog we have ever had’, Victa Damian.

“In big race Finals box draws don't really matter all that much, I don't think,” he says.

“I would have preferred to have had Damian out wide, but at the end of the day, if he gets a clean run and does not get interfered with too much, he will just win that race.

“He is a machine.       

“As far as other dangers in this field, I have to admit I haven't had a really good look at the field.

“I don't like looking at a field and trying to predict what is going to happen. I prefer just to wait until they come out of the boxes, and what will happen, will happen.

“All I ask for is a little bit of luck on that first corner, a bit of a clean run with Damian or Alby. They can both run."

Tony thinks Victa Marli will lead the field.

"I think she will be out and gone and will cross over. This is their third run on the track and they will improve again out of sight," he said. 

“Damian just needs clean air and he will win.

“But, I have been in this game almost 28 years with my wife and we have worked out that anything can happen in a dog race. Doesn't matter how good your dog is, anything can happen.

“Victa Damian is the best dog that we have ever had and probably the best dog we will ever have. But, in saying that, we have one at the breakers that has broken in the same time as him.”



Albion Park | Brisbane Greyhound Racing Club | 7:01 pm

TAB Flying Amy Classic (G2) H

Victa Marli
T: Tony Rasmussen
Obliging Travis
T: Cyndie Elson
Brightest Gunn
T: Jeff Crawford