Ken Rutherford appointed Albion Park Harness Racing Club COO

10 August 2023

Experienced racing administrator Ken Rutherford has been appointed Chief Operating Officer of the Albion Park Harness Racing Club.

New Zealand-born, Rutherford comes to Brisbane on the back of an 18-month stint as Head of Wagering Operations & Sales of Racing and Sports.

Previously, he held positions as Chief Executive Officer of the Hawkesbury Race Club and New Zealand’s Waikato Racing Club.

Internationally experienced, Rutherford will make the move north with a background across sport governance, racing administration, media and wagering roles.

A former international cricketer for New Zealand, Rutherford also coached the Irish national cricket team at the start of the century, after a stellar decade-long career represeting his country.

Rutherford said he is delighted to join the APHRC after the Club’s highly successful Constellations Carnival.

“The Inter Dominion Championship (ID23) is less than four months away and I am looking forward to working with Racing Queensland and other Industry bodies to provide a spectacular event for the city and state,” he said.

“The relocation of the Club and development of a new world class Harness Racing facility at Norwell will be a big focus over the next few years, so there’s plenty to keep me occupied.”

Rutherford will begin with the APHRC in early September, 2023.

“We can’t wait for Ken to start hitting sixes again, and his experience and knowledge will be a great asset both to the Club and broader harness racing code in Queensland,” APHRC Chairman Brad Steele said.