No Racing Bundaberg October 23
Racing Queensland (RQ) inspected the Bundaberg greyhound track earlier this week and advises participants that racing will not resume on Monday, October 23. Whilst the remedial works are progressing well, further time is required for small sections of the track to fully blend into the rest of the racing surface.
RQ will conduct another track inspection on Friday, October 20, and provide a further update thereafter.
Bundaberg based trainers (post codes 4570 to 4673) will be eligible for a $100 travel subsidy to any race meeting in Queensland from Wednesday, October 18, until further advised.
Furthermore, the Capalaba Greyhound Racing Club will conduct an additional race meeting on Wednesday, October 25.
Nominations for Capalaba, Wednesday October 25, will close on Monday, October 23, at 9am.
The program for this meeting can be found on the RQ website.