Rockhampton Greyhounds to Replace Bundaberg October 30

24 October 2023

Racing Queensland (RQ) advises that the race meetings scheduled for Bundaberg on Monday, October 30, and Monday, November 6, have been cancelled. Remedial work on the Bundaberg track remains ongoing however progress is slower than initially anticipated. RQ will provide a further industry update in the week commencing Monday, October 30, with anticipated dates for a return to trialling and racing.

Bundaberg based trainers (post codes 4570 to 4673) remain eligible for a $100 travel subsidy to any race meeting in Queensland until further advised.

The Bundaberg race meeting for Monday, October 30, has been replaced by Rockhampton. Nominations for this meeting close on Thursday, October 26, at 9am.

The program for this meeting can be found on the RQ website.