Tara Race Club meeting rescheduled

3 October 2023

The annual Tara Race Club non-TAB race meeting on Saturday, October 7 has been rescheduled to be conducted by the Dalby & Northern Downs Jockey Club at Bunya Park racecourse.

Ongoing hot and dry conditions - with no rain - have made the Tara track unsuitable for racing.

The Tara Race Club will conduct a “phantom” betting meeting with all facilities available.

The Dalby racing program and prize money will be as originally scheduled for Tara with a minor change to the distance of the Maiden Plate to 1000m (from 1050m). 

The feature of the meeting will still be the Country Cups Challenge Qualifier – Open Hcp 1400m.

Nominations lodged for the Tara meeting will automatically be nominated for the Dalby meeting.

If you do not wish to start at Dalby, you must contact Racing Australia and withdraw the nomination. 

Nominations for the Dalby meeting will be extended to 12 noon, Wednesday, October 4.