Chinny Boom to represent Acton clan

5 April 2024

By Tony McMahon

There won’t be a dry eye among the thousands expected at Rockhampton’s Callaghan Park racecourse on The Archer race day should local sprinting star Chinny Boom win the coveted slot race.

It follows the poignant announcement that Jennifer Acton, the widow of former Rocky Amateurs vice-chairman Alan Acton who tragically died in a helicopter crash last year, has confirmed Chinny Boom as her slot representative.

“Ï am just so thrilled and happy to be able to finally announce Chinny Boom will represent not just me but Alan as well. It is so important to me to maintain Alan’s connection with racing," Jennifer said.

"It was his lifelong passion and I am committed to continuing that legacy and especially so through the Rocky Amateurs.

"Alan was the vice-president on the Amateurs and devoted so much of his time to that race club. I am proud to say he played a vital role in developing the concept of The Archer and very much so with the unique trophy that goes to the winning owner.

"So much so, our family has that trophy safely displayed in our home in readiness to be handed over to the race club later this month. It would be a dream come true for myself and indeed Alan to be able to retain it should Chinny Boom win.

"I am sure Alan would be so proud and believe he will be watching from above."

The Acton family commitment and involvement with the Rocky Amateurs is truly in their blood as daughter Jessica Quinn is a member on the race club committee.

“Jessica loves racing herself and she was accepted onto the committee this year as she wanted to follow on with Alan’s commitment,” Jennifer said.

The Chinny Boom story is also one that strikes at the heart.

Passed in as a yearling at auction at Magic Millions in 2021 after unsatisfactory x-rays revealed a knee chip, she was retained by Chinchilla owner and breeder Mark Pascoe in what can only be described as a fortuitous decision.

“When the x-ray revealed the chip finding she failed the reserve. I kept her and had her operated on for removal of the chip and it was just one of those things that worked in my favour,” Pascoe said. 

That’s a given as Chinny Boom has won eight of her 13 racetrack contests and along with three other placings. 

Furthermore, along with three metropolitan wins, Chinny Boom is a track specialist at Callaghan Park, being unbeaten in three appearances there.

Speaking from Chinchilla, Pascoe shared Jennifer Acton’s delight in securing Chinny Boom for The Archer.

“Look I think it is pretty fantastic and I am really excited for Jennifer who I have not met. I am really looking forward to how it all unfolds and The Archer can’t come quickly enough,” Pascoe said.

Chinny Boom was due to start in Brisbane last Saturday, but the meeting was abandoned and is now likely to have her final hit-out for The Archer at Doomben on Saturday week.

At her only attempt at The Archer distance of 1300 metres, Chinny Boom finished 2.7 lengths third behind Boom Torque in the Magic Millions QTIS Open in January.

Regular jockey Justin Stanley has been booked for The Archer ride.

Jennifer Acton’s announcement follows that of Yeppoon’s Karla McPhail securing the slot of another highly talented Callaghan Park galloper in Namazu to be ridden by Rocky jockey Ashley Butler.

Rocky Amateurs chairman Bill Reid said he was buoyed by the local concept unfolding this year leading into The Archer.

“Both slot announcements to date are so very special as both ladies are passionate about their racing and it is just so special that Jennifer and Jessica are continuing the family tradition. Just great,” Reid said.    

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