Cloncurry transferred to Mount Isa

2 June 2024

The Cloncurry & DRC non-TAB race meeting postponed until today has now been transferred to be conducted by the Mount Isa RC at Buchannan Park racecourse.

The meeting features a qualifier race of the Battle of the Bush Series.

Jockeys riding at the Cloncurry race meeting aired concerns about certain sections of the Cloncurry race surface and in the interest of all stakeholders it was decided to transfer the meeting to Mount Isa.

Due to the change, the distance of the Benchmark 65 Hcp will be amended to 1450m (previously 1400m). All other racing details remain as was originally scheduled for Cloncurry.

The first race will now commence at 1pm with 30-minute intervals between races.

There will be no fees for any scratching from this transferred meeting.