Fatigue Management Guidance Note

10 July 2024

Racing Queensland has published a ‘Fatigue Management Guidance Note’ to assist thoroughbred participants further understand their employment and workplace health and safety obligations as they relate to fatigue.

Following industry consultation that commenced late last year, the Guidance Note has been jointly endorsed by Racing Queensland, the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission, the Queensland and Australian Jockeys’ Associations and the Australian Trainers’ Association Queensland.

The Guidance Note outlines the duties of trainers and workers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld), and includes a four-step process to assist trainers in managing the risk of fatigue in the workplace, which has been adapted from Safe Work Australia’s ‘Guide for Managing the Risk of Fatigue at Work’. This includes:

  1. Identifying the factors that may cause or contribute to fatigue, such as work schedules that limit workers’ opportunity to recover physically and mentally from work, and inadequate sleep opportunity;
  2. Assessing the risk of fatigue in the workplace;
  3. Implementing adequate risk control measures, such as designing effective work schedules and encouraging workers to report concerns they may have about work related fatigue; and
  4. Reviewing risk control periodically to ensure they remain effective.

Additionally, the Guidance Note recommends the implementation of a ‘weekly plan’ between a trainer and their apprentice jockey to enable the parties to raise any concerns they may have about the amount or type of activities being undertaken by the apprentice jockey in each week, and adjustments can be made to manage the risk of fatigue where appropriate.

Click here to read the Fatigue Management Guidance Note.