New stables for Julia Creek Turf Club

26 July 2024

The Julia Creek Turf Club now boasts new stables in a boost for country racing.

Co-funded through the first round of Country Club Asset Funding (CCAF) and the McKinlay Shire Council, the $298,000 project has seen the installation of three separate stable blocks totalling 42 stables and six tack rooms in time for tomorrow’s return to racing at McIntyre Park.

An engineered earth pad was also installed to elevate the entire complex approximately 500mm above the flood level to avoid water that inundates the facility during the wet season.

The main contractor for the project was Nick Sharp of Bows Barn, with the concrete works performed via a local contractor in Greg Lonsdale Building.

Earlier this week, Racing Minister Grace Grace announced a further 36 clubs across regional Queensland would benefit from the second round of the CCAF with an additional $3 million in funding.

"Country racing is the lifeblood of the industry across the Sunshine State, and the Miles Government is delighted to play our role in assisting these clubs,” Minister Grace said.

“More than 80 of Queensland’s 120 racing clubs are in communities where a race meeting is the biggest or second biggest annual event, signifying the vital importance of our investment in these asset and maintenance upgrades.

“I look forward to the stables enhancing Julia Creek’s participants and racing in the Outback.”

The Julia Creek Turf Club hosts four race days throughout the year, including the Artesian Express Race Day in April, which this year attracted around 1,500 people as part of the Julia Creek Dirt n Dust Festival. A five-race card is programmed for tomorrow.

Julia Creek Turf Club President Timothy Mark said the new stables would help to support the local trainers that are pivotal to country racing in the North West Region. 

“It was a bit of a bush setup before - we have two local trainers at the club and they’re really happy with the new stables,” Mark said.

“It’s so important, especially with having trainers out here - we want to keep them here and keep them happy and keep all our infrastructure up to date for everyone to use. 

“The funding program for Queensland country racing has been unreal, and we’re in the process of putting in a new inside running rail and replacing our outside running rail.

“It was a great team effort and the club is very happy and very thankful for the opportunity to have the stables.”